"); text += ("
"); text += ("Read On.
"); text += (""); text += ("Remember when you were an " + form.input1.value + "-battling " + form.input2.value + ", holding onto the hope your embarrassing " + form.input3.value + " would vanish once you " + form.input4.value + " through " + form.input5.value + "? Unfortunately, you soon discovered " + form.input6.value + " can pop up at any time... and usually it's the " + form.input7.value + " time! Good " + form.input8.value + ": whether they're " + form.input9.value + " or " + form.input10.value + ", we've got a way to " + form.input11.value + " them off or deal with them. " + form.input12.value + " expert " + form.input13.value + " has shown top " + form.input14.value + " how to put the " + form.input15.value + " on their " + form.input3.value + ". Here are her time-proven top " + form.input16.value + " zit-zapping techniques for you. "); text += ("
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Somebody has tips for you!
...tips as advice, not money. Fill in this mad lib to find out about it.

something undesirable (eg wart):

type of person (eg old man):

things undesirable - plural (eg rashes):

past tense verb (eg passed):

stage of life (eg childhood):

something else undesirable -plural (eg blemishes):

adjective (eg inappropriate):

plural noun (eg bulbs):

adjective (eg vociferous):

adjective (eg tasty):

transitive verb (eg bite):

profession or subject- capitalized(eg Math):

name (eg Dr. Parabolnev):

people with jobs (eg ditch-diggers)

noun (eg toothpaste):

number (eg 3.1415):

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