>>Just some preferences and wishes<<

I © ...
docile and pleasant animals because they are docile and pleasant
my friends because they are very friendly
Microsoft because it made VML & fun stuff
VML because it is fun
plastic bags because they are useful
aluminum foil because of its maleableness
ice cream because it is high in calcium and delectable
computers because they are essential
edibles because we can eat them
deodorant because it prevents malodorous molecules from being smelt
mechanical pencils because they are superior to other pencils
toilets because they are very useful everywhere
scrollbars because they help people scroll
pens because I use them as writing utensils
transparent paper because it looks nice for origami
forks because spoons are difficult to maneuver
bamboo because it has the aroma of fresh wood
oxygen because we all need it, or die
verdana because it is the best font
vacuum cleaners because they keep my room clean
ostriches because they are in family Struthionidae
BA because it prevents me from having a life
Did I forget something?

I ª ...
these are pretty much self-explanatory, but I'll put why if someone asks... ^^
mosquitoes x[
doing over 3 essays/reports in one week
anything rotten
anything that stings
animal-molesters >�-(
cheap erasers that make things worse instead of erasing
cruel people
pencils that squeak when they write
scratching the chalkboard
the rubbing of new styrofoam
eating under-cooked meat
eating over-cooked vegetables
tape that doesn't stick
Well, I hope none of you readers like any of these. Most people should dislike them as well. If you do like any of that stuff, sorry.

I ¨ ...
a laptop so I can carry around a computer
a treadmill so I can run on a moving piece of metal
lots of money so buy stuff and tuition
more computer programs so I have more stuff to use
knowledge so I won't have to study anymore
the ability to fly so transportaion would be easier
neat handwriting to write neatly
a waterbed to sleep on water
a fixed pool because my current pool is still broken
an hdtv to view things in hd
a massaging chair to massage
a better sewing machine to sew better
big mirrors to put on the wall
a dog/cat to have as a pet
origami paper to do better origami
a diaphanous umbrellato use when it's raining
a color lazer printer to print higher-quality documents
Inventer 5.3 to work on school projects
color-changing markers to I don't know, they just looked nice
These are obviously all things I don't have. ��(

I § ...
making websites because everyone can access them
doing origami because folding paper makes creative stuff
talking when I'm at least somewhat awake
playing with flash because it makes interactive stuff
making VML because it does stuff with vectors
eating because it supplies energy
sleeping because I'm sleep-deprived
melting things because I get to burn myself (jk, not the reason)
painting because mixing colors is entertaining
watching TV shows because they are entertaining
making animated pictures because it makes pics move
listening to music because it sounds pleasant
drawing because it is fun
swimming because water is cool
stationary bike-riding because it is stationary
Unfortunately, I don't have all this stuff, so I can't do all this at home.
And btw, the fun activities you just read (or skipped!) are not necessarily in order. :��

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