50 Helpful Hints For Cooks!
[26.] Add salt and salad dressing to salads just before serving to prevent wilting.
[27.] To keep spaghetti from sticking after it is cooked, add a little margarine; blend well.
[28.] Save lemon and orange rinds.  Store in the freezer and grate as needed.
[29.] Freshen wilted vegetables by letting them stand in cold water to which a few drops of lemon juice have been added (10 minutes).
[30.] To prevent fruits and vegetables from darkening, add a few drops of lemon juice.
[31.] Cook vegetables with the least amount of water; vitamins and flavor will be preserved.
[32.] A dampened paper towel or terry cloth brushed downward on a cob of corn will remove every strand of corn silk.
[33.] An easy way to remove the kernels of sweet corn from the cob is to use a shoehorn.  It's built just right for shearing off those kernels in a jiffy.
[34.] To determine when an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool, salted water.  If it sinks, it is fresh; if it rises to the surface, throw it away.
[35.] Fresh eggs' shells are rough and chalky; old eggs are smooth and shiny.
[36.] To determine whether and egg is hard-boiled spin it.  If it spins, it's hard-boiled; if it wobbles and will not spin, it is raw.
[37.] Egg whites won't run while boiling or poaching if you add a little of vinegar to the water.
[38.] Eggs will beat up fluffier if they are allowed to come to room temperature before beating.
[39.] For baking, it's best to use medium to large eggs; extra large make cause cakes to fall when cooled.
[40.] Eggshells can be easily removed from hard-boiled eggs if they are quickly rinsed in cold water first.
[41.] For fluffier omelets, add a pinch of cornstarch before beating.
[42.] When making an omelet, add salt just before cooking to prevent eggs from becoming watery.
[43.] Egg yolk added to chocolate fudge or chocolate fudge icing gives extra smoothness.
[44.] Meringue� make sure to have it touch piecrust at all points to prevent shrinking.
[45.] For a never fail, never weep meringue, add a teaspoon of cornstarch to the sugar before beating it into the egg whites.
[46.] No 'curly' bacon for breakfast when you dip it into cold water before frying.
[47.] Keep bacon slices from sticking together; roll the package into a tube shape and secure with a rubber band.
[48.] A quick way to separate frozen bacon: heat a spatula over a burner; slide it under each slice to separate it from the others.
[49.] Cheese won't harden if you'll butter the exposed edges before storing.
[50.] A cloth dampened with vinegar and wrapped around cheese will also prevent drying out.
Shortcuts Can Produce Beautiful Results!
Here's a list of helpful hints I've discovered that actually works.

[1.] Soak onions in sugar water overnight for the sweetest, most tender flavor ever.
[2.] When cutting onions, place a piece of celery between your teeth... no tears!
[3.] Try using a pinch of sugar, in addition to salt, when cooking vegetables, this is especially good when cooking tomatoes.
[4.] A pinch of baking powder added to potatoes when mashing them will make them more fluffier and whiter potatoes.
[5.] You'll get more juice from a lemon if you'll first warm it slightly in the oven.
[6.] Lemon juice added to water for cooking rice would keep the grains separate and white.
[7.] Improve on canned cream style corn.  Add 1 can drain whole kernel corn plus lots of black pepper and a dash of salt.
[8.] Add vinegar to chili while it simmers.  Does something special.  Start with small amount and add to taste.
[9.] Cut up chunks of fish fillets to use in casseroles, gumbos or any type of dish that calls for seafood.
[10.] Boil water to make clear ice; this is great when party ice is needed.  Just add fruit and freeze.
[11.] Cooked green vegetables stay bright green if cooked uncovered.
[12.] Sear meat before salting it as the salt draws out the juices.
[13.] When browning any piece of meat, the job will be done more quickly and effectively if the meat is very dry and the fat very hot.
[14.] A sack of lumpy sugar won't be if you place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
[15.] If a soup or gravy is too salty, add a diced potato to absorb some of its saltiness.
[16.] To intensify the sweetness of any dish, add a pinch of salt.
[17.] After flouring chicken, chill for one hour.  The coating adheres better during frying.
[18.] When cooking shrimp, add raw to a casserole before baking, as they will stay plump and juicy.
[19.] Chop parsley, bell pepper and green onions and freeze.  Use when needed.
[20.] Thaw fish in milk.  The milk draws out the frozen taste and provides a fresh-caught flavor.
[21.] To lessen the size of the 'crack' typical of any loaf cake, let the batter stand in pan 20 minutes before baking.
[22.] In using waxed paper for rolling piecrusts, dampen countertop and waxed paper will not slip.
[23.] Make your own homemade breadcrumbs; it is the secret to tastier bread dishes.
[24.] Empty salt cartons with spouts make dandy containers for breadcrumbs.  A funnel is used for getting the crumbs into the carton.
[25.] Bread that has been frozen tends to dry out very quickly, so take precautions to keep fresh.  However, the dried breads makes for great breading puddings and toast for breadcrumb
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