This page is dedicated to Endless Online.It is a very fun MMORPG being developed to be a very fun online role-playing game.For you people who play Endless Online,My clan is the Samurai Clan.Please come to play and download the game at,currently the game is version 0.14.
Neopets Gallery
Endless Online Alpha Test Version 0.14

Weapons:Swords,Katanas,Ninja Shuriken,Staffs,Wands
Shields:Round Iron Shield,Iron Shield,Dark Shield
Armour:Royal Armour,Hero Plate,Swift Armour,Samurai Armour
Hats/Masks:Dragon Masks,Google Masks,Fairy Hats,Hoods
Shoes/Boots/Sandals:Cons(shoes in colour),Coloured Sandals,Coloured Boots
Misc Items:Health Potions*(small,normal)Mana Potion*(small,normal),Flask of Milk,Beer,Apples
Monsters:Slimes,Foxes,Barbarians,Large Spiders,Large Scorpians,Mummys,Death
Chat System:Return/Enter(Public),`(All),'(Party),!(whisper)
Areas:Town,Forest,Graveyard,Death Cave,Horror Railroads,Beach,Ice Land,Desert,Centaur Village,Barbarian Stronghold,Harbor,Teleportation Shrine(Beach-Barb Crossroads),Barbarian Crossroads,Pubs,Churchs,Houses
Gaming Stuff
Clans & Allies
GBA Roms
When you see * it means you can't use them yet(exception gold,gold can be used to buy and sell from other players).Please keep this in mind.You can either equip and nothing happens or just can't equip and nothing happens.
You could have downloaded Endless Online from the Games page but I would rather you download it from
My clan in the Samurai Clan,we must be loyal to other members and allies.We hope to have a PKing area in the castle as a training place when we finally get hp system and levels but when you see the other member has 7 or 8 hp or you can kill them in one more hit STOP.The member will be taken to an area to be healed.But since the HP System and Leveling System is not ready our leader,Ganon,will let us chat and goof around but we still have to do as he says.If you join our clan you must ask Lord Ganon or the one of the generals for permission to join.I am Laqueenster in Endless Online.Respect the admins in the game when you see them.Please join our clan,our clan is very good and our leader treats us with respect and as a friend.Do not offend any members of our clan or our allies or you will have punishment I think.Please see the other Endless Online pages for more information.Have fun and play nicely or don't play at all.
Version 0.14 is out and the new database is not laggy!Have fun playin!
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