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Stuff About the world of Neopets
To my Neo Shop!
Neopets is a great site where you can have a Neopet and take care of it like it was a living, talking, eating pet! A lot of things go on when you start, the money they use is called Neopoints, which can be used to buy food, books, toys, and even battling equipment to use in the Battledome! You can travel to other places other then Neopia Central, like Faerie Land or Mystery Island. Neopets need to eat and have fun like real pets, so you need to take care of them everyday or else they will hate you, or starve. Some neopets are strange and have weird attributes like will eat anything or doesn't like some things, but that's the way a real pet is like too. So have fun with neopets!
Have fun and don't be bad!
About Neo Shops
Neopet owners can sell things inside thier own shop if they buy a shop. It isn't very expensive to buy a shop but as you upgrade it in size it costs more and more to upgrade. The higher level your shop is the more you can put in the shop. You sell your items to other real people who pay you neopoints which go into your shoptill for you to take out when you want to. If you become succesful you might become a millionaire someday if you work hard. So have fun and don't break the rules!
Special Events
Neopets have several different Special Events like a war where you choose what side you are on then fight it out with the other side in the Battledome! Also there are times like Christmas when they have an Advent Calender and you get items and maybe Neopoints! They also have a newspaper called the Neopian Times which is realeased every week, like the newspaper that comes to your door. They also create games for you to play to earn Neopoints if you play it and send your score! There are other things that are sure to have you popping out of your seat so play it and have fun!
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