MOMS Club of Indio/La Quinta S. California.
Information .........
About Us .....
National Org.
How To Join

Being a non-profit and non-service club, we rely on the participation and support of all our members to keep it going. The officers and committee posts are all volunteer positions. Annual dues cover club expenses such as printing, postage, national dues and other miscellaneous expenses. Upon joining, you will receive a packet which will include a newsletter, calendar, current information about the club, and how to join the various activities. The rest is up to you! You are free to participate as much or as little as you are able.   However, you will only get as much out of the club as you put into it. Every Mom brings to the group a unique talent and personality that can be utilized by the club. Many Moms find that the club involvement helps to fill a void that used to be filled by employment outside the home. We urge all members to attend events regularly, especially general meetings, and to help out as often as they can. Each member should volunteer for a committee or should help with an event at least once a year. The following is a list and general description of the committees you might wish to participate in.


General meetings are the main time the entire club meets as a group to make club decisions.
All members need to support the club by participating regularly at these meetings. We would like to encourage all members to attend voluntarily without making it a mandatory membership requirement. We always need help with planning activities, recruiting speakers, setting up, or hosting meetings.


Each MOMS club participates in at least one service project per year. The activities provide an opportunity to benefit mothers and children who are in need. Our current charity is Mourning Star Organization.  For more info on them check out their website :


Playgroups are designed to provide support, enable moms and kids to really get to know each other in a smaller group and more relaxed setting, and to help children develop social skills in a fun and safe environment. We encourage everyone to join a playgroup. Groups are usually formed based according to your child�s age. Group activities are planned by the members of each group. Each member of the group has the opportunity to host their playgroup on a rotating basis.  Playgroups are held at homes, parks, malls, etc. If you are interested in joining a playgroup, you must be a paid MOMS club member.


Once a month we have a MOMS Night Out, where MOMS meet for dinner, movies,  and more. It is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a little adult companionship and conversation. We are always looking for suggestions on activities.
Club Happenings
Hosted by