To Us!
For all those who have suffered.
How can you give a simple condolence,
To a friend a family a nation,
Who's suffered a horrendous loss,
How do you justify to a child that mommy or daddy are now with angels,
What would you say to a grieving mother, whom heroes have just pulled her child's remains from the rubble,
How would you react if you witnessed the killer bee swarm stinging the
sleeping giant,
Do you think you would flee in terror in the smiling face of the devil,
Then after such catastrophe,
How do you stare into the sorrowful eyes of our mothers and daughters,
And tell them, "We're going to get stung again, God bless America!"
How patriotic that in the face of turmoil and grief,
United we stand Divided we fall.
                Casados 01'©

In remembrance of the N.Y. and Washington D.C. disasters September 11,
Not knowing how to explain to my child why a bad man ran that plane into a building and knocked it down, these words written by a very close freind, just felt very close to home.  We will make it through this, together.

I think right now, we really must remember that prejudice is what the fighting is all about, and we do not need to fuel the fire.  Try not to look towards whole groups for one angry man's actions.  If you are looking for some information, one of my favorite diversity sites, (done by someone very special in my life), is
Some Other Interesting Sites
Red Cross
CNN News
ABC News
Islami City (Another perspective)
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