Malleus Maleficarum.

Malleus Maleficarum.

Vampires have seen like a monster of big power, that they
makes them a horrible enemy. The bigger of this powers may be
their own inmortality. A vampire would do plans for the next
years, or centuries, and all their enemies will die in such
a moment, and he won't.

This flattering thing (the life forever) isn't exclusive of
the vampires, if it isn't shared by other creatures, in fact
the humanity has found to the cond of saint germain, the man
who has been spoken of that he can't die.

Saint-Germain have been a man surrounded by mistery, and
most of the data known about him, is comprobable, giving the
impression that he made a lot of versions about his history
for make the researchers get away of the truth, that it's
the more exciting of all. In addition there r doubts about
his real name (i don't think so).

Talking about history, an arabian invasion to France was
fucked in the year 732 on the Pointiers fighting. Althought
the french victory, a soldier was taken by the musulmans.

His youth and intellegence that he showed, saved his life
becuz one of the officers took him at his service. So he
started working with an arabian doctor (his name isn't known)
so he won his confiance, until he could become into his
confidian. This man was the one who started with him, before
that his european friends at the alchemy. His inteligence and
deductive capacity make him to be better than his own teacher
so he uncovered some great things: the youth forever elixir
and the ston of philosophy. In fact of the alchemy documents
less than 20 men have uncovered these things.

With his big hability, the soldier could save this habilities
so when his teacher died, he still had the same age that he
had when he found the youth-forever elixir. After a left, he
wen to France again, around the 800, with the look of a 40-
year-old man, althought he was over the 100 year old.

At that times, it was very dangerous get withouth old signs
becuz that means that a relationship with the strenghts of
darkness. That's why it keeped hiden, changing his livingplace
around the world.

Around the next 600 years, he was living becuz of the gold
he got when he touched any metal.

To believe that some writers talk abour the time that he did
public life, most of this time he was on very special places
like Egipt, Araby, India, or Himalaya, becoming bigger his
knowings about the dark arts and other things like those.

As the life of this man was a mistery, his history on the
years before to his first public relationship in 1710, is based
fountains very hard to explain, so a lot of writers think of
it's only about of exagerations ocasioned cuz of it's history.

But all these things r fired becuz this first tellings r
considered false (maybe it's also false).

In 1970 was the first appearing of this man, so in a short
encounter with the writer Jean-Philippe Rameau and Von Georgy
who described him like a nice and atractive man with a look
of 45 or 50 years old. On the same way, it has been cause of
discussion that he had a very big fame betwen the masoians
and secret societies around the world. In those 20 years, he
had friendship with some of the persons of the french royalty
in addition he was confidian of Madame of Pompadour, this
woman had a big intelifence and she was interested on the dark

In 1737, we went to Persia, and he studied about the beautiful
stones. Then he almost had any realtionship with the nobility
but of a friendship he had with Sha. But is well-known that
he used to visit to the religious groups of that place, very
richy on habilities about that science.

In 1743, he went back to Paris, with Louis XV, where
inmediately he had a big fame by alquimian. He made a big
scandal, on the castle becuz he was with a lot of jewels.To
talk about his works made in Persia, there was people who
said that those jewels, were product of his knowledge at
transmutations, not only metals, also other elements and things
like the beautiful stones. Other interesting thing is that
was incredible for all they who knew him is that, in adittion
when he was by first time on Paris, he had a look of a man of
40 years old.

From then to now, the people said he will lives ever after
but nobody knows who and where is he now.


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