Nosferatu's history

Nosferatu's history.

When vampires is topic of talking, we inmediately think of Dracula but of course
not, he isn't the only one, i mean, there's Nosferatu.

The name Nosferatu became famous in 1922, with the german film "NOSFERATU,
EINE SYMPHONIE GRAUENS", produced by F. W. Murnau. The muted film, in
black and white, it's a free adaptation of Dracula's story. The film
is about Nosferatu vampire, who falls in love with a girl and he sucks
her blood, but his wish of loving her/turn her into a vampire/suck her blood
finally makes him die, cuz the morning comes.

This films isn't important only in the horror gender, particularly
with the vampires, it broke the tradition in scenography: Nosferatu
was filmend on natural stages. In adittion, it was the first who
made the tape go faster than the others, adding images in negative.
Talking about the Nosferatu character, it was thin, with big clutches
without hair, with big hears, something similar to the bats (desmondus rotundus).

In 1978, the director Werner Herzog, using all the colored and sounded
stuff, he made "NOSFERATU, PHANTOM DER NATCH" (Nosferatu). Then
he added dialogues and he adapted it for the time, but about the characterizing
of the actor Max Schreck, the original nosferatu.

If it wasn't a new version, it wasn't well-received at all, the thing it
was for is for make the nosferatu image get closer to the new generations
particularly, to a new cultural moving, the "DARK". That's why, Nosferatu
who used to wear black clothes with white make-up.

On the other side, the dark culture as the fantastic literature finished
acceptin to Nosferatu, for becoming him into a sustantive. According
some games and books the word "nosferatu" means horrible-looking,
and it was like a zombie, not like the erotic side of the vampire.

Curiously, the place of the word "nosferatu" belongs from is unknown,
there r someones who say that it's an acient teutian or eslavian term,
and it means only "vampire"; but other versions say that it's a
new invented name for the vampire, just for don't calling him "Dracula".


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