The real slayers.

The real slayers.

The vampire-slayer job is a very unflatering job, since Dr Van Helsing
up to Buffy, this job needs a lot of eforts and it doesn't give any
satisfaction. To know that for every vampire that they slay, r borining
some new ones is too enough for discourage them.

Maybe the more incredible thing of all this is that on the real life there
was real vampire-slayers, in different centuries and different places.

In 1468, in Germany was published the "MALLEUS MALIFICARUM", with the tests
that the saint inquisition did. the "MALLEUS" was a guide for find a grave
where a vampire sleps, and the ways for slaying him.

Most of the inquisitors of that time were also inquisitors. In France 2
of they became famous: from 1576 up to 1591, N.Remy used to recolect bodies
for staking them, and he was consulted by people all around the world. Pierre
d' Lancre, on the other side, was one of the more active slayers in 1609.

Lancre killed more than 1 vampire, and all that is on documents (but of
course the documents of that time...hummm...)

In 1746 there was the first studier of the vampirism, Dom Augustin Calmet
althought he believed in the existence of vampires, he researched enough deep
for save a lot of inocents of the bonfire, he tested that the "vampires"
weren't they. The Calmet Anales, up to now r the more complete colection
about vampires, and it has some cases that actually could be solutionless

In 1732, a group of yugoslavian doctors studied a rare sick, on the Meduenga
town wich was covering lots of lifes and, rarely, a vampire was guilty. The
local doctors Johannes Flickinger, Isaac Seidel and Johann Baumgartner
studied 14 bodies from the cemetery, and the bodies were in wrong state,
they were staked. This last thing was too enough for stop the sick.

In the middle of XVII there was a lot of people who believed in vampires
so each important city or town had its own vampire-slayer. In adittion, there
was "GUIDES" for how to find a vampire, how to find a grave where a vampire
lives, and how to slay them.

Lord Halifax was an english gentleman from XIX, extremously interested
in vampires stories, and he also was collector of stories from all England
and Europe. His colections were so long, and most of them r stories about
vampires. The only problem is that Lord Halifax was only a collectos,
he just told the story, and he didn't give details or explain something

In XX, was other vampire slayer: Christopher Neil-Smith, of great britain
he is an exorcist and specialized with vampirism, he doesn't use stakes or
crosses, he uses the exorcism for avoid that houses or people contine being
atacked. Actually, a lot of people is looking for him for his services.

Most of the "vampires" who have been killed by the vampire slayers seem to be
normal people, but some stories of these cases can make that one person stop the
reading, turn up the head, and realize that some cases seem to be true.


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