
About Vampires.

When we talk about vampires, we picture a cruel and blood
thirsted creature in our mind. But if we watch at the tradition,
vampires isn't that bloody, he just kills humans for feeding.
And the methods that the slayers use for kill vampires r
more cruel.

Obviously, it's hard to talk about vampires with the nourishing
chains and ecology, but in some way, they do the same thing
that the humans, they kill for survive.

And if the documents about vampires r read, rarely they say
that vampires kill for only like, and we the humans r the
victims of all that narrations.

The humans r whose made those creatures, and we gave them
the monster calificative. But, there has been a lot of causes
where the humans r more bad than vampires.

On this time, i'll show a gallery of that times when the
reality has supered the ficcion, showing blood thirsted creatures
and extremely mean, but they r not vampires.

One of they was Vlad Teepes or Vlad IV, from Valaquia, who
governed at XV century. Very cruel, he used to suck the blood
of his alive enemies, and he took dinner while his victims were
dying. The people called him "DRACULA", and it means
"evil", or "dragon".

East Europe gave other "vampire", at XVI century: Elizabeth
Bathory. She thought that the blood produced beauty, so on
her long life she killed the more beautiful girls and she
used their blood for take baths or drink it, and she thought
that she would be beautiful forever.She was judged and punished
for the crimes she did and made get afraid to the population
of that time, and still now, it freezes the blood of who hears
about her. In fact, a lot of vampire-girls were maken like
this woman.

At the XVII century, the list of "vampires" was very big,
althought, most of they were not, they seemed to be stupids or
crasies that in front of the inquisition, they were killed
becuz of their bad behaviour, that in that time was calified
like "dark". Dom Augustin Camlet, an english writer in that
time, was the only one with emotional disorder could save a
few of the "vampires". Althought unfortunely they were less,
against thousand of condenees.

In 1874, a man, wich name wasn't known, dig up the body of
his death daughter, becuz he said that she sucked the blood
of the rest of his family. He was declared crazy and he was
given to an hospital, and he went out of it 2 years later, all
cured, or at least that was he said.

The following man extremely cruel, appeared until 1929, on
Germany. Peter Kurten, well-known as "the Dusseldorf vampire",
he started his killer career, it finished until 1931 (year in he was captured). The number of victims has couldn't been counted
exactly, althought he said in public that they were thousand.

Kurten had a schizophrenic and he only could sexual pleasure
among blood. That behaviour went to a very high level, that
when he was killed on 1931, said to the killer that he wished
to live the greatest moment on his life, see his own blood into
a basket.

In 1970, a girl was found in a cemtery on London, inconscious
and with two holes on her throat, and by there was taken a few
of blood; but althought the girl was entirely cured, the one
who did that never was found.

In 1973, in Germany was found a man mentaly unnormal, his name
was Lorca. He was recluded from a manicomy after he sleeped into
a coffin, and at nights he bit their victims throath. Nobody
knows where is he now and his real name.

In 1989, on Queensland Australia, were captured Tracey Wigginton
and Lisa Ptaschinki, two lesbian girls whose they
brought strangers to their apartment and they promised them to
have sex and then they killed to the men and they drank their
blood. The exact number of victims never could be known. The
same killers said that were a lot the men who they killed.

Another cause, is the one of the actor Bela Lugosi. This
man got to the fame thanks to represent to Dracula like a
character in different movies around the world. His character
was too heavy for him soon, and he avoided the sunlight, he
didn't like mirrors, and in his public shows he weared the
vampire clothes. But he never killed anybody.

The vampires exist would be a reality that can be on discussion
, but the real thing is that, some of the humans
would be more cruel than them.


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