The Games TR1 and TR2.
TOMBRAIDER :1996. LEVELS: Caves,City of vilcabamba,lost valley,tomb of qaulopec,st francis folly,colloseum,palace midas,cistern,tomb of tihocan,city of khamoon,obelisk of khamoon,sanctuary of the scion,natlas mines,atlantis and the great pyramid. BOSS:jaqueline natla.ATIFACT:atlantean scion.
Lara is hired by jaquelene natla of natla technologies to find the 3 pieces of the atlantean scion. Unknown to lara when they are put together they can give powers  to create life. Lara is not alone on her quest and is followed by natlas two henchmen larson and pierre. Laras journey takes her form the caves of peru to the pyramids of egypt. Lara has no vehicles in this game but can be seen on her motorbike in the cutscenes. Her weapons are:pistols,magnums,uzis and a shotgun. Lara encounters alot of animal enemies from cougers,wolves and giant rats,to gorrillas and dinosaurs.
The best part is when lara is in the lost valley approaching the bridge and the music starts up and the trex comes towards you. There are alot of secrets to find some are well hidden. Theres also plenty of medi kits and ammo to be found lying around. Laras moves are quite varied she can run jump swim shoot backflip side flip, and  shimmy but she cant do a 180* underwater which would be handy! The cutscenes are really good and the levels look really nice,although there a bit blocky compared to the newer tombraiders. Tombraider 1 is a great game with 15 levels,some being quite big. A big adventure for any tombraider fan.
TOMBRAIDER 2 : 1997: LEVELS,the great wall,venice,bartollis hideout,opera house,offshore rig,diving area,40 fathoms,wreck of the maria doria,living quarters,the deck,tibetan foothills,barkang monastary,catacombs of the talion,ice palace,temple of xian,floating islands,the dragons lair and home sweet home.BOSS:marco bartolli.ARTIFACT:dagger of xian.Lara is in search of the dagger of xian a mystical item that is said to give the person brave enough to drive it into thier heart the power of the dragon. Lara isnt alone on this adventure either with marcos henchmen after the dagger also. Laras journey takes her from the great wall of china to the icey tibetan mountains and then back to china to the mystical temple of xian. Laras has two great vehicles in this game the speed boat in venice and the snowmobile in tibet. Her weapons are pistols,automatic pistols,uzis,shotgun,harpoon gun,m16 and grenade gun. There are alot of enemies in this game human and animal and some strange ones like the yetis and the gaurdian of the talion and the last boss the dragon itself. The best bits are zooming down the rope slildes swimming underwater on 40 fathoms and blowing up enemies with the grenade gun. The levels look alot smoother and there are a massive 18 of them. T he temple of xian is the biggest and hardest being full of traps and red herrings Lara can do the same moves as in TR1 although now she can climb ladders and do a roll underwater. TR2 is my favourite tombraider game there 3 secrets to each level a gold dragon,stone dragon and jade dragon. Also like TR 1 there are plenty of medikits and ammo for you to pick up.
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