The Many deaths of lara croft.
There are many ways for lara to die during playing tombraider, some are accidental some by a misplaced step and some just look really really painful. Here are some of the ways by animal scenery and human.
Animal: being eaten by the T- rex,bashed to death by the yetis in tr2,attacked by birds,bitten by the fish in the temple of xian,attacked by giant spiders,poisoned,torn to shreds by piranhas,out numbered by gorillas in palace midas, burnt to death by the dragon in tr2,killed by the mutant in tr3,attacked by panther mummies,gored by the minator in last revelation.
Scenery: Falling on spikes,crushed by sliding doors,drowning,falling from the top of st francis folley,falling off the waterfall in tr3,boulders,falling through crumbling floors,spiked walls,the trap under the temple of ancients in tr AOD,misstiming a jump,lettin go whilst shimmying,falling into lava,drowning in oil in tr2,doin a swandive into water you thought was deep but turns out shallow,blown up,shootin your doppelganger in tr1,quicksand.
Others: run over by a snowmobile,killed by a falling sword in st francis folley,shot,misstiming the jump on the snowmobile in tr2,accidently killing a monk in tr2 and being attacked by every other single one in the level,crashing the speedboat in tr2 into the mines and forgetting to jump out,running through glass or spikes(DONT!!),forgetting to use a medikit,killed by spiked walls in tr2,eaten by a shark,running out of air,crashing the landrover in tr4,attacked by scarab beatles,lasers,crushed,sliced by the axes in tr1,killed by a bear or wolves,poisoned by darts,gettin to the end of tr2 and bein killed by the boss in laras mansion(annoying),crushed by the hook in chronicles,sucked into the fan in tr2. killed by harpoon weilding divers in tr2,freezing to death in the water in antarctica in tr3,falling off a ropeswing in tr4. I am sure there are many more ways for lara to bite the bullet these are just a few of the ways i have bought about her demise.
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