Why tombraider rocks.
I first played tombraider on the saturn,i loved the exploration. The levels were huge and varied, you could go anywhere in the world,from peru to egypt. The enemies were very varied from human(pierre and larson) to dinosaurs in the lost valley. The weapons were fun as you could have pistols,uzis,magnums and a shotgun. The best were the magnums great at shooting mummies. The best bit was definatly (eventually)blowing up the big boss at the start of the great pyramid level,as long as he didnt push you off the ledge into the lava!  Tombraider 2 was even better,the levels were bigger you had more weapons and alot more human enemies
tTombraider has great replay value too as in TR1 TR2 and TR3 after youve finished playing them you could go back and play any level you wanted with all weapons and unlimited ammo,very handy.
The best bits in tombraider were: finding all the secrets,solving the puzzles,blowing up the bad guys in TR2 with the grenade gun, riding the snowmobile,speed boat and quadbike,shooting the talion gaurdian  in TR2 knowing he couldnt reach you, the cutscenes,and finishing the temple of xian!
Low points: finding a door and realising youve forgotten to pick up the key,not saving,falling from the top of st franciss folley,getting eaten by the trex in TR1 or TR3, being grabbed by a yeti,run over by snowballs,eaten by a shark,being stuck on a puzzle,not having enough save crystals in TR3,the harpoon(totally useless!!),being turned to gold in palace midas,running out of ammo..accidently killing a monk in TR2 and trying to avoid all the others through the level.
Tombraider for me is a great game and my favourite is still TR2,my favourite levels are TR1:caves,the lost valley,the egyptian levels,palace midas,colleseum.TR2:the great wall,venice,bartollis hideout,opera house,diving area,all underwater levels,barkhang monastry,temple of xian,the dragons lair.TR3 the indian levels,south sea island,crash site,antarctica,area 51.TR4 not really got any favourites but i quite like alexandria.Chronicles:rome,colleseum,
the levels in the sub.AOD:all the paris levels,bio research facility,underwater research facility and the sanitarium.
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