Look what we've won!
We have entered 4 shows. Two held within our training club, and two exemption shows. We always enter the obedience class and several novelty classes. The whole day turns out to be a lot of fun!
The first show we went to was a club competion. we did very badly and did not get placed at all.  :(
The second show was an exemption show at Langley Burrell. We did not get placed in obedience but won a special rosette in the novelty class dog or bitch never to have been placed first in any competion.
The third show we again did not get placed in obedience.( Not doing to well are we!) We did although acheive an certificate of excellence in the Dog and Bod test. It basically finds out how good your relationship is with your dog.
Still we haven't been placed in obedience! Time for some serious training!
The last show we went to was a another club competion. We entered in the top and bottom class, the top was just for experience. Any way we came first in the bottom class, wining a trophy, rosette and placement card. In the top class we came third!! Wining a medal, rosette and placement card.
Our next show!
Above is a picture of all the things we have won in obedience, Junior handler and novelties.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws