Bristol Dogs and Cats Home
It's hard to believe that someone abandoned these little kittens!
There are many organisations promoting animal welfare. Such as the R.S.P.C.A and the P.D.S.A. I work voluntarily at the Bristol Dogs and Cats Home it is so upsetting when you see a stray cat or dog bought in, especially if they are the victim of a cruelty case. but when you know you have helped them, weather you have fed them, groomed them or whatever and they leave to go to a new home you know you helped. It is so rewarding and pleasing.
Please, remember these poor animals stuck behind bars day after day. Most small litters of kittens bought in are unplanned litters due to not having the cat spayed or a male neutered.

Give to a charity helping them or donate bags or tins of food. Every little helps.  :)
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