What can she do?
In basic obedience most dogs are expected to be able to learn how to walk on heel, sit and down stay and be recalled when off a lead. However when you start doing the higher classes in competions it gets a lot harder!
Basic obedience

. Heel on lead
. Sit stay
. Down stay
. Recall (no finish)
Advanced obedience

. Heel on lead
. Heel off lead
. Sit stay
. Down stay
. Stand stay
. Recall (with finish)
. Retrieve (with finish)
. Sendaway
. Scent
. 'A' Recall
As you can see the list gets a lot longer!
Lara is capable of doing all the above (when she wants to!) except scent work as she has not been trained to do it, although we are starting to after Christmas. We stil have some hicups doing the exercises but we are still both learning.
Obedience is a great way to bond with your dog because you need to be able to trust the dog and in turn hope the dog can trust you. Meeting people at shows is good fun and once you have won one rosette you will have the urge to go out and win many more!
Good luck!
You can find more information on obedience classes in the phone book, vet's or dog breeders. once you have mastered the basics you can go onto to do other activities such as agilty!
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