Pointless but Funny
All dogs do it.......no I don't mean sleep on the bed, mess in the garden or give you those eyes when they want more food. I mean they all have funny little habits or tricks they do. Sometimes it is good enough to tape and send in to 'You've been Framed! My dog is no exeption. As you are about to find out!
O.K, first thing is the vacumn cleaner, she wont leave it alone. You start to clean the floor and there she is. There is Lara. She keeps putting her mouth over the nozzle and getting her tongue stuck, she will only stop doing this when you start to vacumn her! Start at her head, then vacumn all the way down her body and legs until you get to her tail......Grooming has never been so much fun!
Now imagine you have been to a childs party or you have a child that has been to a party. They always bring balloons home with them. Time for fun.
She sees it...... looks around.......then she pounces on it. In the end she wil be jumping on her hind feet keeping the ballon in the air with her nose! One day we will hope she will grow up, but going by what our previous boxers were like, I somehow doubt she will!!!!
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