Annie and Jennifer's Website Updates

Due to space considerations, older update notices have been deleted.

       Sunday, September 27, 2009: A new story by Badger has been posted. We know you'll enjoy Blizzard  Here she be

       Wednesday, August 19, 2009: A new story has been posted by Helen. Please enjoy Waiting for the Storm to Break  Make with the clicky

       Wednesday, August 19, 2009: It's a two-fer! Two new stories by two of our regulars, Gail and Helen. Please enjoy Reconcile, a sequel to Medicine Trail and Atonement by Helen    Reconcile   and   Atonement

       Monday, August 10, 2009: We are thrilled thatNachuma has gifted us with another of her fine stories. The Reckoning     is here   Please give this one a few moments to load, and enjoy.

       Thursday, July 9, 2009: We welcome a new writer to our ranks, Gail! Gail has favored us with her first offering Medicine Trail    here   Please be sure to let Gail know you appreciate her story.

       Thursday, April 2, 2009: Another great story by Badger. The beginning of the Jess and Mort friendship. See Justice    here   and be sure to let Badger know you appreciate her hard work and talent.

       Monday, December 15, 2008: Badgergater has given us an excellent tag to Glory Road Seeing the Light   ,where Miss Essie confronts Jess about his wandering ways.   Here

       Tuesday, October 21, 2008: Elaine graces our collection of excellent original fiction with her Guilty   ,a lovely satisfying read that you can sink your teeth into.   Enjoy

       Thursday, October 2, 2008: Nan gives us a short but sweet stream of consiousness offering about Jess' thinky thoughts after Fugitive Road  Clicky Here and scroll to A Jess Story

       Thursday, August 21, 2008: BadgerGater favors us with her second Laramie story. The tale of a bounty hunter who didn't get the memo on Jess in "Bounty". And! As an added bonus! We have a first-time Laramie author with us! Nan has honored us with her first offering and it is a doozie! Jess almost makes the ultimate sacrifice to save a horse. A tale interwoven with memories of Jess' family in "Tinder and Ash". Take off them spurs, pour a whisky and enjoy both of these gems! No actual horses or barns were harmed in the writing of these fics.  Make with the clicky thing.

       Friday, June 6, 2008: BadgerGater gives us her first of many (we hope) Laramie stories. This one addresses that pesky scene that we all just shake our heads over from "Night of the Quiet Man". Slim leaves Jess by the side of the road after he's been shot. Settle back, put yer boots up and enjoy,   "Waiting"

      Monday, October 1, 2007: Patricia Henry gives us another story to enjoy,  Second Chance

       Monday, September 3, 2007: A new story by an old friend. Patricia Henry gives us   A Love to Die For

       Sunday, May 6, 2007: The episode Bitter Glory has been added to our Episode Guide write ups. Click   Here

       Sunday, May 6, 2007: The episode The Debt has been added to our Episode Guide write ups. Click   Here

       Monday, April 2, 2007: The episode Edge of Evil has been added to our Episode Guide write ups. Click   Here

       Sunday, December 24, 2006: A Christmas story by Patricia Henry has been added to our Original Stories Pages. Please enjoy  The First Christmas

       Monday, October 23, 2006: Pictures have been added to the episode guide for Vengeance

       Sunday, October 22, 2006: Pictures have been added to the episode guide for Lost Allegiance and A Grave for Cully Brown And additional pictures have been added to Killer's Odds.

       Saturday, October 21, 2006: Addition to the episode guide: Company Man

       Tuesday, October 17, 2006: Added pictures to the episode guide write up of Killer's Odds.      Click Here

       Saturday, October 7, 2006: Added pictures to the episode guide write up of The Run to Tumavaca.      Click Here

       Monday, September 18, 2006: The episode write up for Among the Missing is up in the Episode Guide.     Click Here

       Saturday, February 11, 2006: A new story by Maddie Holthe has been posted.    The Christmas Winds, a Laramie Christmas adventure. Click Here

       Monday, January 30, 2006: The episode write-up for Lost Allegiance is up in the Season Four episode guide. Click Here

       Tuesday, January 24, 2006: The episode write-up, including pictures, for Ladies Day is up in the Season Three episode guide. Click Here

       Friday, October 15, 2005: Another new story by Maddie Holthe has been posted.No Name on the Bullet. A pre-Laramie adventure of Jess and a star-struck young boy. Click Here

       Wednesday, August 03, 2005: A new story has been posted, Requiem for a Renegade, by Maddie Holthe. A rather dark look into Jess' past and an alternate reality for when Jess and Slim met. Engrossing! Click Here


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