Links to Our Favorite Sites

Our Favorite Laramie Sites:

Marcia's Laramie website
An excellent source of information, fun, and trivia about our favorite show.  Includes a very helpful episode guide that helps you find the best episodes.

Laramie Screen Cap Page
A site that we originally put up just to store screen caps for use in these pages. Nothing fancy. Just pages of screen captures of episodes. Some Wagon Train episodes and other shows were also added per request.

Our Favorite Robert Fuller Sites:

The Official Robert Fuller website
The definitive Robert Fuller website.  Includes info on the shows that Robert Fuller has appeared in, tons of great pics, and even Laramie fan fic (for starters check out Forging a Friendship by Blitzkrieg and the alternate version of Stage Stop by Patricia. um! um! Good!).  Tony Gill has done an amazing job presenting lots of information in an attractive, easy to navigate site.

Great Western Sites:

The National Festival of the West.
Information about a great festival held each year to honor the western culture, and the heroes of western folklore.

Randy's Official Peter Brown fan site
An excellent source of information about Peter Brown, but also a lot of information on westerns in general (Peter was in a lot of them including Wagon Train). Also, Robert Fuller guested on the Lawman twice. Check out Randy's beautiful description of the episodes, 'The Friend', and 'The Souvenir'. A very informative well crafted website. Randy also has a few pages of pictures from the Kanab event on her What's New page. We have a direct link on the last page of our Kanab pictures pages.

The TV Site
A fan-driven online magazine. Chock full of interesting pictures and articles about lots of great westerns. A fun place to spend a few hours.

The Scenery of the Ponderosa
A fascinating in-depth romp through the Bonanza years, the Ponderosa and all the behind-the-scenes stuff you could ask for. A delight.

The Lancer Fan Fiction website
A site with lots of good fanfic for another great western, Lancer.

Best of the West
A Bonanza and Ponderosa story archive.

Women's Writer's Block
Another excellent source for Bonanza stories and other westerns.

Miscellaneous, not so much Western, Sites:

Vasquez Rocks
An interesting little dealy about the wonderful Vasquez Rocks location featured in many Laramie episodes, and in the opening credits. This site is from a Bonanza site, as the rocks were used many times there too.

The American Academy of Equine Art
A beautiful site full of to-die-for paintings and sculptures featuring the equine form. Our own Shelley's Jess and Traveler was a winner in their Spring 2004 invitational.

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