I have been stupid many a day in my life. I have been in love many a day also. I wonder if it is designed to sort out any other stimuli when we are in 'love'? There is always the days where we get stupid just 'because'.

The many times I have been in love,(Call me fickle), I can only blame being distracted by whatever pheromones were blowing in the wind. When we are young and dumb, falling in love is a be-all, end-all experience. We don't have real responsibilities yet so we can devote every moment to obsess on our 'loved one'. There are times that we evolve into the next level. We think about our 'love' in every spare moment, but we have things that have to be done. We can try writing a book report for English class and unless they have assigned something awful, like "A Tale of Two Cities", we tend to do something on some floaty bit of literary noncomprehension. Just to keep the mood raging. We go on in life and find that we have a job to take up a lot of our time. We still devote our subconscious to thoughts of the 'loved one', but now he has to take a back seat to reality.

AND THEN, maybe we get married!

It can take decades to get over our 'loved ones' glaring faults. Some we can't get over at all. When a woman is dumbly in love, she will see her mission is to make her man into what she thinks he can become! A reverse Pigmalion, no, I didn't misspell it. We think things like, "I really do love him, but......" Or what can be even worse, "If only he would/wouldn't ........."

When we finally get to an age where a small shred of wisdom might creep in, we accept that they are who they are, and faults and all, We Love THEM! Not who we think they should be. I have moments of dumb over the Troll to this day. Thankfully, he has them about me too!

The love spark I felt when I was a teen could ignite Yellowstone Park in a thunderstorm. Like all huge events, at some time it would be consumed. What I got going now is a small, inviting, well-contained campfire. Even in a thunderstorm, it casts light and heat. Just what I need in mid-winter.

~ Swampetta ([email protected]) ~

� Photograph by Paul ([email protected])

July 2004




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