This old house has seen good times,
Lots of memories it does bring back,
Of the years I did in it live,
As I do reminisce.

Summer time it was a-buzz,
Seven children and their friends,
Climbing all over its frame,
Having parties in the bower.

Winter parties, yes indeed,
The aroma of baking gingerbread,
Of taffy on the stove,
Of fruitcakes being baked.

Momma's weekly bridge and tea,
Poppa's meetings with the council,
Boy Scouts in the carriage house,
And the Brownies running about.

Its bright blue color with white trim,
Acting as a lightning rod,
Drawing visitors and friends,
Such a nice place was our home.

~ Tom ([email protected]) ~
Copyright July 2004






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Summer Sings To Me

Summer Serenade

Bard Of Willow Creek

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