The best movies of the year

January 10, 2003


The best 10 movies of 2002:

  1.  "
Adaptation."  A lot of thought goes into deciding what movie should be labeled as "the best movie of the year."  A good argument can be made for any of the nine movies listed below.  The only thing that seperates "Adaptation" from the rest of the pack is a gut-feeling.  It just seems like it should be number one.  It contains everything that this critic looks for in a film; a brilliantly original script, great performances, witty dialogue, laughs, twists, tears and even alligators.  No other movie this year offered a more complete package.  Movie-making at its best.
(Directed by Spike Jonze.  Cast includes Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper and Brian Cox.)
  2.  "
Minority Report."  The weekend that this movie opened I saw it twice in a span of 24 hours.  Just for that fact it deserves recognition as one of the best films of the year.  But let's not forget how it sparks with raw energy as a mesmerizing and smart futuristic thriller.  A quintessential science-fiction motion picture.  Spielberg and Cruise together are at the top of their form.
(Directed by Steven Spielberg.  Cast includes Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell and Samantha Morton.)

  3.  "
Punch-Drunk Love."  A very sweet movie that is like no other.  It breathes new life into the romantic-comedy genre.  Sandler gives a wonderful performance while PTA continues to churn out great picture after great picture.
(Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.  Cast includes Adam Sandler, Emily Watson, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Luis Guzman.)

  4.  "
About Schmidt."  Jack gives the performance of his career which is also the best performance of the year.  I cannot stress enough how impressive Nicholson is in this role.  It has to be seen to be believed - acting at its most sublime.  Bonus points for having screened it at the Uptown before mass release.  Biassed?  Who cares!
(Directed by Alexander Payne.  Cast includes Jack Nicholson, Hope Davis, Kathy Bates and Dermot Mulroney.)

  5.  "
Catch Me If You Can."  Many film critics use the word 'fun' to describe this movie.  I'll join them - It's fun!  An entertaining romp that kept a smile on my face throughout.  A perfect Christmas Day movie to keep the tradition alive!  For information on this tradition see Laserick.
(Directed by Steven Spielberg.  Cast includes Leo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken.)

  6.  "
Road to Perdition."  This is a classic Hollywood gangster movie.  Hanks, Newman and Law are outstanding.  Beautiful cinematography makes it pretty to look at.  Cold, but classic.  And it also gets points for having a word in its title that I had to look up in a dictionary.
(Directed by Sam Mendes.  Cast includes Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law and Jennifer Jason Leigh.)

  7.  "
The Rookie."  Baseball movies can still be fun!  Here is a rare example of a sports movie that doesn't resort to following cliches.  It's just an old-fashioned, warm, coming-of-(old) age story with a fresh spin.  As a movie lover and an even bigger baseball lover this movie makes me proud.
(Directed by John Lee Hancock.  Cast includes Dennis Quaid, Rachel Griffiths and Brian Cox.)

  8.  "
Y Tu Mama Tambien."  Viva la Mexico!  Here is a film that is not afraid to deal with taboo issues.  It's funny, touching, erotic...and it's in Spanish!  Queiro ver mas peliculas que esta!
(Directed by Alfonso Cuaron.  Cast includes Maribel Verdu, Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna.)

  9.  "
Auto Focus."  Here is another movie that isn't scared to promote sensitive topics.  Kinnear darkly plays a very likable protagonist, despite all of his short-comings...and he's based on a Hogan's Heroes character!  This picture also contains the biggest laughs of the year and a few of the more memorable screen moments (the 'watch' scene and the 'photo' collection).
(Directed by Paul Schrader.  Cast includes Greg Kinnear, Willem Dafoe and Rita Wilson.)

10.  "
Crossroads."  I typically like to reserve the number ten spot on my list for a movie that makes people say, "Huh?"  This year's choice will be no different.  "Crossroads" is not one of the best movies of the year.  In fact, it's not even a good movie.  "Then why put it on the list?" you ask.  Well, Britney would be upset with me if I didn't.  She is an angel sent from Heaven and she deserves her recognition.  I love you Britney!  Will you marry me?
(Directed by Tamra Davis.  Cast includes Britney Spears.)

Eleventh Place:  

These movies are equal in my affection with those listed above, and can be considered a tie for 11th place.  Alphabetically:

"Brotherhood of the Wolf," "Changing Lanes," "Chicago," "Comedian," "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Die Another Day," "8 Mile," "Femme Fatale," "40 Days and 40 Nights," "Frailty," "Frida," "The Good Girl," "Igby Goes Down," "Insomnia," "Jackass: The Movie," "The Kid Stays in the Picture," "Lovely and Amazing," "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," "One Hour Photo," "Panic Room," "The Pianist," "Rabbit-Proof Fence," "The Rules of Attraction," "Secretary," "Signs," "Star Wars:  Episode II - Attack of the Clones," "Storytelling," "Talk to Her," "13 Conversations About One Thing" and "25th Hour."

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