Country Study: Bahrain
Pearl of the Arabian Gulf
    Bahrain is an old country that has been around since the third millennium B.C.  Known as the pearl of the Arabian Gulf it is centrally located and strategically located for both shipping and defense.  As an important ally, Bahrain served as a Western air base during the Persian Gulf War and continues to serve as the base for the United States� Fifth Fleet. 
     The island is three and a half times larger than Washington, D.C. and has a population of 645,361, which includes 228,424 non-nationals.  The World Health Organization ranked Bahrain number 42 among the world�s health systems.  Bahrain like the United States has a health system that includes both private and public health care facilities. 
      In Bahrain access to local health services and the availability of essential drugs is 100%.  The country provides free medical care, education, and old-age pensions to its population.  Funding for health services is financed mostly by the wealth generated by the oil in the country.  Until recently the country�s national health policy was to provide health care services free of charge to all residents, citizens and non-citizens.  Recently this changed and emigrants are now charged a small fee for each physician visit and deliveries at hospitals.
      Life expectancy at birth is 73.2 years an increase from 1986 when the life expectancy at birth was 66.7 years.  The five leading causes of death in Bahrain as of 1995 were diseases of the circulatory system, neoplasm, and conditions in perinatal period, injury and poisoning, and undefined illnesses.
     Political parties are prohibited.  Censorship was relaxed and draconian laws repealed, but also women were permitted to vote for the first time due to a February 2001 referendum. The country has maintained a vibrant economy.  Numerous industries in Bahrain include everything from petroleum processing and refining, aluminum smelting, offshore banking, ship repair to tourism.   
     Important to know about Bahrain�s healthcare system because as a developed country that provides free medical care to its inhabitants.
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