
Meltdown is a club on Janus - a part of the former travellers's waiting lounge now decorated with bits of starship interiors, cables, screens and other obscurities... The club is pretty rough and the music can be described as merciless noise. The drinks taste pretty rough, too, but are comparatively cheap and contain a high percentage of alcohol and other intoxicating substances... There is no dress code and no discrimination on the ground of appearances. On the contrary: the more freakish, the better. Freaks are celebrated here!

Ammo City

Apart from being a travelling pirate radio station, Ammo City is the codename for a "trading outpost" in the centre of one of the most notorious radzones. Most people know rumours about the place, but only very few now its location and the procedure to be permitted inside. It is usually open only to the most persistent (some say insane) warlords.
To enter Ammo City you will first need a radiation proof vehicle. Not many people can afford one, let alone get hold of one - and the drakonium to power it... Then the people of Ammo City have set up a number of "challenges" the newcomer has to exceed in. These challenges demonstrate the power of Ammo City.
Once inside its gates, the newcomer realises that Ammo City is entirely underground - in a huge bunker. It is so huge an entire city could fit into it. At a first glance Ammo City looks like a scary version of Las Vegas. Entertainment facilities offer anything from gambling and car racing to drugs and prostitution. Behind this "surface entertainment" there is the actual thing people come here for: an enormous weapon arsenal. The only two people who know the full extent of the range are Remy "The Eye" Katana and his former enemy turned lover "General" Ji-n Shimizu.

Remy, mostly human apart from a left cyberarm and a detachable, remote-controlled left eye, is a promethan ex-soldier turned desert warlord turned businessman. He had come across information about the place and went straight there with his tank. At the same time the information had fallen into the hands of the Shogunate. A recently promoted noble was sent out to secure the area...
General Shimizu is the daughter of the noble in question. She tried to keep her father from venturing out into the wastelands to certain death. She thought about the conquest as a cruel joke. A talented fighter and a potent psycher she chose to accompany her father. On the way to the site the trek was attacked by skavengers. Ji-n could sense they were hired by ninjas working for a rivalling noble who wanted to claim the land as his conquest. She fought to protect her father and his followers but while defeating the enemies she was the only one left alive. Swearing revenge she faked her death and went to Janus buying equipment and a small army of mercenaries under the name "General Shimizu" to welcome the man who killed her father. At the same time Ji-n arrived, Remy and his people had arrived. First they negotiated, then they fought, then they started admiring each other, finally they decided to work together - against the Shogunate...

Remy is a big chunky guy with a shaven head, a well-groomed beard and numerous tattoos. He always wears black synth-leather trousers, high black military boots and a black waistcoat and codpiece made of ceramic armour. Not to forget his mirrored sunglasses in the shape of a visor - so you can never check if his left eye is in its place or not... Once he takes them off, one notices his cold white-blue eyes. Remy likes to stare at people to make them uncomfortable. His presence is very intense. Sometimes his silences can last for several minutes. When he decides to speak he pronounces everything very clearly and sometimes shows a nasty wide grin that shows off most of the metal in his teeth.
General Shimizu is a tall slim muscular woman with short blue-black hair and a black eye-patch across her left eye that she has adopted since she has become a "ronin". She, too, hardly ever speaks in public, if she does she is usually giving orders. She prefers to comment with a look that says everything... General Shimizu likes to wear tight black clothing and high boots with a multitude of concealed weapons where you don't expect them...
The rumours surrounding General Shimizu range from her belonging to either the Kobara clan, the Kitsune Clan or even the Tiger clan (although no one has seen her with a dragon tiger yet...) to her being a powerful ninja...
While Remy is doing the deals, the General is regulating all the money business. They both are present in all negotiations. They, too, invented the trial course together and enjoy watching each attempt on vidscreen from the safety of their comfy quarters.

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