(L-R) Robert,  Simon, Perry, Roger, and Jason
This part of my page is dedicated to the GREATEST band in the world, The Cure!  I've loved the Cure for a very long time and I want to share my love of them with all of you.  I can remeber seeing Cure videos on MTV when I was younger, but I didn't really start getting into them until I was about 15.  I saw the video for Just Like Heaven on MTV one afternoon (ya know when they still played videos and all).  The song was a familiar to me.  I had heard it on the radio before.  But I didn't really know who sang it until I saw the video.  I went out and got Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, and the rest is history.  The Cure combines heartfelt touching lyrics with beautifully melodic music.  I can't tell you how many times I've listened to their music and felt swept away to another world. 

I was probably my most obsessed with them as a sophomore in high school.  I'm pretty sure of this because of the fact that I wrote my sophomore
research paper on them.  My teacher had told the class to pick a subject that we were very interested in, for we'd be spending a great amount of time writing about that subject.  I knew from the moment she gave us the assignement that I wanted to write about The Cure.   

Doing my research paper on the Cure was so awesome for me.  It allowed me to rediscover them all over again.  In researching the history as this amazing band, I grew to love them even more.  I wrote an 8 page paper on them and received an A!

In this section of my page, you'll basicially see lots of different photos of The Cure over the past 20 + years that they've been together.   And of course you'll have my wonderful comentary to guide you along the way.  Enjoy!
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