I really don't need to go on and on and tell you how awesome Deftones are.  Because chances are you already know that.  They are my 2nd favorite band ( a very close seocond to the cure, which i'm sure chino would be pleased about) I am, however, going to go on and on about my own personal Deftones story because I think it's really interesting.   I not only love them for their music but what they've done for me.  This will probably be one of the more detailed sections of my page, only because I have lots to say about my Deftones experience over the years and also lots of cool pictures that I'd like you to see. So if you've got some time to spare, kick back, relax, and put on your favorite "Tones Tune.  It's time to hear why I think these 5 guys are some of the coolest cats in the world
Abe Cunnigham (drums), Frank Delgado (tables) Chino Moreno (vox),
Stephen Carpenter (guitar) and Chi Cheng (bass)
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