Yes that is Janelle in the picture and no she is not in [minus].  But she's so close to them that she might as well be their fifth member. I'm using this picture because I think it's really cute but also because at the moment [minus] are redoing their site and so they don't have their older pictures back up yet.  Anyway from left to right we have Jordan (vocals), Dusty (guitar), Matt (drums) Janelle, and Lee (bass). This picture was taken at Janelle's old apartment in North Carolina right before the boys set out on their first tour ever!
At present,  I have seen [minus] a total of 15 times, more times than I've  seen any other band.  But the main reason for that is they're a local band, so in turn they play atlanta all the time. The first time I ever saw or heard [minus] was when they opened up for Kittie in November of 2000 at the Masquerade.  Melina and I didn't know that they were going to be on the bill. We had heard about them on the Taproot message board, but hadn't actually heard any of their music. I have to admit, I wasn't terribly excited to see an extra name of the marquee.  Four opening bands is just way too much for a show that starts at 8.  But when [minus] went on, they certainly got our attention.  In particular, Jordan who fell on me while trying to stage dive.  He later would tell me that he felt like the dad in that Pauly Shore movie son in low, who tries to stage dive but lands on the floor when no one catches him.  Jordan pretty much fell on the floor, swiping me as he went down.  Hehe. Anyway, Melina and I thought [minus] were pretty good.  I emailed Jordan a few nights after the show telling him how much I enjoyed their performance. That's actually when I found out that they were from Atlanta. This surprised me because I had never heard of them, and the one guy who I knew liked them a lot was all the way in Canada. 
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