shun.  I can't say enough good things about this band. They're just fucking incredible.  Take the most wonderful sound you've ever heard and multiply it by a thousand.  Did you do it?  Ok.  Well you aren't even close to the level of profound beauty shun has to offer in their music. Ask anyone who likes them and they'll all say the same thing; shun is exceptional. 

I was first  introduced to shun by Janelle.  In the summer of 2001 she was telling me about them, and she had me download two of their songs,
Michael In Reign and Glass to Sand.  I really liked what I heard and downloaded some other shun songs.  At night I would listen to shun while online. All their songs were really soothing to me.  They were a nice break from all of the screaming metal stuff I was so hooked on.  I really wanted to get their EP Michael In Reign, but you could only get it through Paypal and I didn't have an account.  But Janelle being the awesome awesome friend she is ordered it for me. When I got back home vacation in June, there the cd was waiting for me. 

Michael In Reign is an amazing cd. It's seven songs are full of emotion and rich in melody, transforming and moving anyone who listens to them.
David Crutcher (guitar), Richie Glover (bass), Bill White (vocals), Cris Hawkins (guitar) and Jac Glen(drums)
shun is one of the few bands I've seen whose live performances are ultimately flawless, practically mirroring the sound they have on cd.  It is absolutely mind blowing to me how perfect they sound when they're playing a show.  Cris and David's dual lead guitars are extremely powerful and Jac's drumming is an incredible site to behold.  That coupled with Billy's extraordinary singing abilities and Richie's skillful bass playing makes shun achingly beautiful to watch and listen to.  Melina has often said to me that watching them makes her feel like crying. They have that effect on many people.  Their songs are so beautiful that they can bring about happy tears.

shun, while all seemingly very shy, are all very nice once you get them talking.  They sincerely appreciate all of their fans and all of the love and support that they get from them.
The Michael in Reign EP is out of print, but all of shun's songs from that album can be downloaded here.  The fan favorite seems to be Second Voice, but I like Glass to Sand the best because when they do that song live, Billy does his cool little dance. Hehe. They've got a lot of new songs that they've been playing live recently. These songs include Neo, Fear of Heights, Earth, Everyone Here is Sleeping, Canada, and The One You Hate.  These great new songs prove that shun are continuing to create meaningful and touching music.

shun is a band that I hope will be around for a very long time. They are undoubtably one of my favorites right now, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Everytime I see them, they just get better and better.  Do yourself a a BIG favor and visit their website
here.  You won't regret it.
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