Via e-mail

Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 20:36:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rachel L
Subject: your poetry
To: [email protected]
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I've been reading your poetry in a copy of "Subverse Inverse Reverse Perverse" that Rick sent me, and also on the UNLV Speakeasy web page. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy it, and would love to read more. So if you ever publish, or have a chapbook all your own (past or future) let me know and I'll purchase a copy of it.

One thing I can say about your poetry that I couldn't say to most poets is that I find almost all of it interesting, maybe because it's so personal-- you tell such good stories. Even with humor! My favorite ones are the ones about teaching kids, but I'm biased because I'm currently studying to teach. (laugh) I'm thinking of that poem you wrote about the emotional investment of teaching, and how sometimes you feel like it was 10 years that you could have spent writing poetry. It seems to me that those 10 years have enriched your poetry, but maybe that would have been true no matter what you had been doing. Personally, I'm glad you write about the classroom, not enough (ex)teachers do.

I also think your poetry/prose about your family, though it is bittersweet, has a kind of humor to it that makes it fun to read.

I'm glad to have had the opportunity to read your work, and hope to someday read more.


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