Laura Hunt
Phone: 257-4481
HomeTown: SpartanBurg, SC
Major: Studio Art
Year: Sophmore
Bithday: July 6, 1983
Career Goal: Cartoonist ( like Disney) or otherwise a non-poor Artist
Favorite Quote: Let deeds match words
Favorite Cartoon Character: Marvin The Martion, The Gummi Bears
Favorite Movies: Willow, The Last Unicorn, Hunt for the Red October
Favorite Book: wuthering Heights
Favorite Song: Dreams by Can Halen
Favorite Foods: whats not to like?
Favorite Service Projects: building stuff, helping kids
Favorite Social Activites: Gosh everything i guess bowling, movies, picnics
Dislikes: !
Three Words to Describe Herself: sarcastic, silly, easy-goin
Reason she Joined Circle K: Cause I wanna GIve back to my Community !
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