Instructions for Marbling

Important Notes:
1 – Once your soap has traced, you’ll need to work quickly.
2 – Your colorants should be measured, mixed with warm distilled water and set aside.
3 – The fragrance oil should be measured and set aside.
4 – Your lye water and oils should be mixed at 90 – 100 F
5 – A thin trace gives a better marble but make sure you have a good trace otherwise the oils and water will separate.
6 – Once you pour your color for marbling, if it sinks to the bottom, don’t worry! As you marble it will surface as you swirl the color or colors.

The instructions are for 5 ½ pounds and my wooden mold size is 9 ½ X 12 ½ inches. If you are using less weight then you need to adjust it slightly.

Once my soap is at a good thin trace, I pour up to 1 ½ cup of it into my glass measuring cup, color it and set aside for a few seconds. Then I put my fragrance oil into the rest of the batch, mix and pour into my wooden mold, which has been lined with freezer paper.

Now I’m ready to pour my color on top of the batch in the mold. Refer to the diagrams and notes on what to do.
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