Bath Bomb Recipe
From Majestic Mountain Sage

½ cup Citric Acid
½ cup Corn Starch
1 cup Baking Soda
2 ½ - 3 Tbs. Oil (one of these - Coconut, Almond, Avocado, or Apricot Kernel)
1 tsp. of Essential Oil or Fragrance Oil
12 - 24 drops of colorant (food color will do but use a light hand)
Place all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well. In a small glass
bowl place the oils (melt first if using a solid oil), then add fragrance
and colorant. Slowly add oil mixture to the dry ingredients, blend well.
You can press the mixture into molds, or take a truffle-sized scoop and
shape into balls (about 1 inch in diameter). Let the mixture set up in the
molds for 2-3 hours...gently remove them from the mold on to a sheet of wax
paper. Let the bombs dry and harden for 1-2 days. Store in an airtight
container for freshness.
TO USE: drop 1-3 bombs into bath. Try dropping in different bath bomb
combos for "custom blending"!

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