Carved M&P Rose Soap

After using the Fine Art's open rose mold, I carved the rose petals away from the base of the soap and I also did the same for the leaves. I curled some of the petals upward and some down. After I was finished carving the details, I painted the rose with a mix of pearl mica and red mica. For the deeper areas of the petal, I just went back after everything was dry and dry brushed with the red mica. For the leaves, I used a green mica and gave the tips a touch of the red mica. For the background, I used a mix of Ultramarine Med. Blue and distilled water. The tip of the paint brush was dipped into the blue mix and dabbed onto the base of the soap. Make sure to dap the paint brush on the paper towel so it's not too wet. After I was finished, I sprayed it with hair spray to set the painting.
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