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The <SPAWN> Story
by Blue Flame

The man woke from what he thought was a strange dream. The pain that followed told him otherwise. It felt as though he stuck his figure in a socket and he couldn’t pull away from it. He remembered the night’s events and shuddered. He knew he would be scarred for a while because of this ordeal. He forced his mind to forget the pain, which it could not completely do, and got up. He walked to the first inn he could find and rented a room. Unfortunately, this particular in cost a lot of C-Bills. He went to his assigned room and, before going to sleep to recover, resolved to write down the previous night’s events so he could look at them when he woke again.

Blue Flame walked through the streets hoping to catch a match or two in the arena. He went to get some tips on fighting skills that he could always use. He wore the standard <INVID> uniform, which was shipped, all the way from his "home" planet. His long, blue hair pulled back in a ponytail and his red eyes were covered by a pair of blue sun-glasses which he had purchased so long ago, or so it seemed.

He had just about reached his destination when he heard a voice, almost a whisper, says his name. He turned surprised to hear his name in such a familiar voice. The voice was his own. He looked and saw its origin. The man standing in front of him could have been mistaken for him if not for the others red hair and blue eyes.

"Hello brother", he said in a very odd voice.

"Brother? Sir I do not believe I know you let alone is it possible for me to be your brother" I Blue said in response.

"I am indeed your brother Blue. You pitiful excuse for a soldier. I can’t believe they trained you when they already had the designs for me. I am the better soldier. They should have destroyed you when they had a chance. I am the perfect soldier and assassin. I am afraid you must die now."

"What are you talking about deranged excuse for an alien. You were made by the institute?"

"Of course I was, I was made to replace you. You are obsolete. Bye, Bye Blue Flame."

After the last sentence was said a strong psionic burst hit Blue Flame, knocking him into an alley. In defense Blue Flame shot up his mental shield of blue fire.

Blue Flame yelled. He yelled louder than it was thought possible for any man to yell. It was a yell so loud it must have come from the inner reaches of his mind. It was like a piece of his mind had been destroyed by the strong burst of mental energy.

The man screamed "By the way I am Phoenix, Pretty ironic your death and my begging all forged by a fire." he laughed maniacally and launched another severe mental attack.

The red fire of the other racked Blue’s whole body. It engulfed him from head to foot. Blue tried to throw up a stronger shield but Phoenix’s fire was too much for him. Phoenix stopped to gloat over his beaten foe and was about to strike the final blow when Blue saw his chance and threw up a spire of his blue fire high into the sky forming a protective column around the man. Phoenix followed this gesture with a column of his own killing fire. Suddenly, Blue felt his fire being drained from him he couldn’t hold it much longer.

Then he saw it the huge column of red fire that ignited the whole sky like a star. He knew what had happened. His stamina had been leeched from him. He was done for he knew that his death was eminent.

In one futile effort he used the last trick he had up his sleeve. He reached inside himself and started to slow down the functions of his body. Since is first days on Solaris he had been studying the art of meditation and had been able to control his heartbeat and breathing. He used this and simulated his death like state. He gasped for air one last time and lost consciousness.


He had been lying in that alley for days and still no one reported a strange man apparently dead in the streets. Upon recollection he remembered the alley he fought in. It was different from the one he had woken up in. Phoenix must have moved him later after the fight. Blue flame looked at his watch and saw that not only was it a matter of days that had passed but a complete week. He wondered on the fate of his comrades in arms. What damage had Phoenix caused, if any, and were his friends still alive?

Three days later Blue Flame felt recuperated enough to start his search. He picked up a news holo from the last two weeks, sat down, and began to watch the past two weeks events. Had he not heard the name of his people, the name of <INVID> he might have missed this story all together. His world had broken out in Civil War. A diplomat had been named and to Blue Flame’s surprise it was Phoenix who represented both sides in this conflict. This civil war had slit up his comrades and his people and Blue knew that a battle was eminent. Already arms were being shipped to the <INVID> home planet and mechs were being upgraded. It was only a matter of time before the battle took place. He had to get there and stop this. He booked a seat on one of the many drop ships heading for the <INVID> home planet. He brought his own mech just in case it was needed for him to use brute force.

He got home three days later. Battles were raging on every corner of the globe. Blue could smell a rat and it needed exterminating. He hopped in his Jenner and quickly made his way across battlefield after battlefield. He saw many of the elite fighting force he was once a part of. Some dead, some still fighting for the side which they though was right, and still others trying to hang on to the few precious seconds they had left in their life. He had heard many stories from different people of the location of the elusive Phoenix and he continued his search. He saw many of his comrade's go down. Even the best could not stand up to the odds that they faced. His world was in total chaos and all he could think about was revenge.

He came upon another battle site. Something was different from this battlefield. It was familiar in some way. The landscape wasn’t but the people. All the dead people they were what was familiar. They were <INVID> recruits the elite in training. They were sent Solaris after they were trained. Here they were their mechs strewn across the battlefield burning. Silent behemoths who had seen their last fight. He stopped his Jenner and got out. He looked around the battlefield. He looked at the death and destruction. All he could do was shed a tear for those who had fallen so valiantly trying to protect a home world he never knew. A home to which he had only ventured to a handful of times. Suddenly, rage filled his heart and his eyes burned with a fire so red that they glowed. Someone coming upon him would have thought him a demon and would have fled him. He jumped back into his Jenner and quickly started off again, even more determined to kill Phoenix. While he was at that gruesome battlefield he noticed the Standard on the few enemy mechs. It was a picture of a bird on fire super imposed over a planet. It was the standard of Phoenix.

He came upon yet another battlefield. On this one the battle was still raging. He quickly decided to engage the enemy mechs and help his comrades. As he came closer to the battle he felt the presence of the enemy which had destroyed so much of his life. He felt the vileness of Phoenix in his mist. His comrades in arms were badly damaged by the time he Blue had gotten there. They had managed to take out all but three, two of which blue flame quickly disposed of. The third was none other than Phoenix himself.

They danced a dance to rival the one any of the gods could have. Blow followed blow in succession until all weapons in each mech were gone. Both mechs then stopped, faced each other, and fired up their engines to full speed. They hit each other with a force that dwarfed that of two locomotives hitting each other.

Blue flame quickly pulled the ejection cord as both his mech and Phoenix’s mech fell to the ground. Two more machine casualties in this wicked war. As he was flying from his mech he saw Phoenix punch out also. When he hit the ground he drew the only weapon he kept on him at all times. It wasn’t a weapon of electronics. Nor any projectile firing weapon. It was a weapon tempered in the hottest fires you could imagine. It was his trusty Crescent Sword. He pulled it from its leather sheath and ran at Phoenix, who had also drawn his sword. Again they danced a dance, but this time they both knew that only one of them would walk away with his life. This battle raged for what seemed like hours. Each combatant striking and blocking blow after blow. Both of their stamina were extraordinary and seemed to be inexhaustible. Just as it seemed this battle would never end. Just as it seemed the war would never end. Phoenix made a fatal error. Phoenix thrust to hard on a blow and Blue Flame easily parried out of harms way and stuck point of his sword cleanly in Phoenix’s abdomen. Phoenix looked at Blue, his eyes wide, rage filled him as he yelled in both pain and defiance. Phoenix was also going to make one futile attempt to watch his enemy die before he did. Phoenix reached deep within himself and summoned the Psi power to kill Blue Flame. Blue saw this and set his sword aflame with his own Psi power. Blue cleanly and happily separated Phoenix’s head from his shoulders. As he did this stored Psi power exploded from Phoenix and threw Blue back more than twenty feet. Blue hit his head on a rock and everything around him went black. He awoke among the few remaining members who had lost what name they once had on Solaris. They had only one option. They were the Spawn of an old society and would Spawn a new one. They were the Spawn of what INVID once was.




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