Free applet for free world

<applet code="h_lensSmall.class" width=341 height=180>
<!--param name = "link" value = "http://www.geocities.com/latronghung"-->
<param name="tenimg" value = "appletimg/long425_225.jpg">
<param name ="lensSize" value = "80">
<param name = "speed" value = "20">
<param name = "lensType" value = 4>
<param name = "lensColor" value = 0>
<param name = "deltaColor" value = 50>
<param name = "changeBG" value = 0>
<param name = "transparency" value = 40>
<param name = "lightType" value = 1>
<param name = "powLight" value = 2>
{ "link", "A String value", "URL to jump" },
{ "lensType", "An Integer value", "Set type for h_lens. Ranges from 0 to 4" },
{ "tenimg", "A String value", "Name of Background Image" },
{ "lensSize", "An Integer value", "Diameter of lens" },
{ "speed", "An Integer value", "Delay of animation" },
{ "lensColor", "An Integer value", "Set Color for h_lens: Ranges from 1 to 16" },
{ "deltaColor", "An Integer value", "Increasing factor of R, G, B Component" },
{ "changeBG", "An Integer value", "Set Color for bgImage: Ranges from 1 to 16" },
{ "transparency", "An Integer value", "For transparent h_lens only. 0 to 100" },
{ "lightType", "An Integer value", "Set light for h_lens. Ranges from 0 to 4" },
{ "powLight", "An Integer value", "The power of highlight ratio. Even: 2, 4, 6" },

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Last update: 01/2001
by La Trong Hung

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws