Ladder movement is 50%

Purging of inactive players is set to 91 days

      Top 20 players may issue a formal challenge to others in top 20, and must be completed in 3 days.

      Top 10 players will be dropped in rank if they are inactive for 3 days (72 hours)

Since everybody would like a shot at the #1 spot, there should be a lot of activity and movement in the top ranks.

You must play 20 games before you become rated with a “skill” rating.




Players may play up to 20 games per day in a day, against the same person, not including tourneys, but can play unlimited number of games total.

The loser of a league game must report the loss immediately following the game. 

If the match is not reported, the winning player is to contact an administrator of league or use the “unreported match” link on page.

Top players should be playing league games to remain active with ALL  members.  The admin team has the right to monitor game activity of the top 20.

All tourney and league game scores are to be posted in chat AND acknowledged by opponent.  No exceptions as to the type of game.

The tournament director’s decisions during a tourney are final.

You may only play 1 league game at a time.

You are not allowed to use another member’s password to report a loss.

We do not tolerate cheating of any kind.  Whether it is purposely missing cards for twists or use of a cheat program, it is unacceptable behavior and will result in being removed from league upon decision of the admin team.


If there is a notice of a tourney about to start, and you are going to participate in tourney, do not start a new league game while waiting.  This will only cause a delay in starting.  If you already have one in progress, you may finish it if almost done, if not then kindly finish game after tourney.




First and foremost we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.  So we’d like to keep the room fun for all members of the exile family!!! 

Excessive use of profanity is not allowed as are overly explicit comments. 

Respecting and being courteous toward all league members and staff is expected.

Please leave all drama out of room.  If you have conflict or dislike of another member, follow this rule in league chat:  if you have nothing nice to say about them, then don’t say anything at all.  If you by chance play against them in tourney, proper etiquette is to be followed, ie:  gl, tyfpm, gi……etc.

Any problems are to be resolved in private and not in league chat, if it can’t be resolved, take it to an admin.

No arguing in chat with a league or staff member, refer to above, any problems take out of room.

No abusive attacks towards other members in room allowed.

No profanity is to be directed at any staff member at any time.

If anyone is being rude, please put them on ignore.  If person is a league member, please let a staff member know and if they are found to be disrespectful and rude a warning will be issued.  If  they keep offending, they will be removed from league and banned from rejoining under any name.




The timer for tourneys is 5 minutes.  For a double elimination, it is no more than 10 minutes total, 5 per round.





Applications are always accepted for tourney directors.  You must be 18 years old, in league for 30 days, played at least 20 matches and able to host 1 tourney per week and in room often.


Tourneys are to be hosted once every 7-10 days, if you are unable due to circumstances (health, vacation, etc.) please let one of the admins know and we will be able to place you in proper status.   If you have a set day/time that you can host every week, please let us know and you may set up in advance and we can set that as your time spot every week.


Please try to keep tourney spam to minimum 2-3 per tourney should be sufficient.

Please try to keep your tourneys running smoothly and timely.  Try to start them as close to the starting time as possible.

Also, you need to pay attention to tourney in case of any problems or disputes should arise.  It is your place to step in and handle problems or help the newer players that are in tourney if they are not understanding.  Granted the other players are there to help guide them as well.



If you go inactive as a td, you may be purged from td status.  Cases automatically purges at 61 days.

You may reapply as a td if you are purged, but if you go inactive a second time and reapply you will have a waiting period of up to 2 months before being considered.


All new td’s are subject to a 30 day probation period, after which time we will review their performance and see if their behavior is becoming of a td.  At that time, if performance/behavior is unsatisfactory, they will be removed as a td.


Td’s are expected to be polite and fair too all league members and those playing in tourneys.  They are a representative of the league and are expected to behave in a positive manner.

At anytime, if a td behaves in appropriately (rude, disrespectful towards others, etc.) they will be warned.  If  they continue to repeat

This behavior, they may be removed from td status and/or from league.


If there is a td currently running a tourney and you wish to set one up, please ask if anybody else is planning one if other td’s are around.  And also check the tourney calendar to see if any set up already. Do not create a tourney without prior knowledge of other tds tourneys. 


Your first 10 tourneys will be single elimination only and you will not be able to charge any entry fees.  You will start to receive ladderbux for hosting after you’ve completed 5. 

At 10 tourneys you will be able to host double eliminations.  Once you have hosted 20 tourneys, you may be granted status for Swiss tourneys. 

What you charge for tourneys is up to you once you are able to charge entry fee.  Remember that you do not have to charge for them if you don’t want to.


If you are a td that is in training, you must complete your training with a td/htd.  Training may consist of up to your first 10 tourneys. 

If you share a house with another td or htd they may not be the one to train you as a td unless they have specific permission from the head admin.





     Any broken offenses will be dealt with by the admin team, confidentially and quickly.

      Any broken rules will result as follows:

         1st time-warning

         2nd time—warning

        3rd time—may result in warning or placement in penalty box if deemed necessary.

        4th time—automatic penalty box

   Any repetitive offending at this point will result in being removed from league and upon nature of offense may be cause for being    banned    from rejoining league, even under another user name. 

   If the original incident is major enough or is completely out of control---the admin team has the right to remove member and possible   ban them.

   If you have been placed in penalty box….you may not play any league matches or tourneys for the amount of days you are “boxed”. 


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