-Notes for Ms. Kivilaht

The two characters are driving from Thunder Bay, Ontario to Toronto. Travis is going to pick up his wife who is preforming a singing 'gig', and drive back to Thunder Bay with her.
* Everything in quotatios is directed to DARREL, everything which is not is aside, and essentially directed to the bar tender.



Tavern, just off a dark higway. Night. A bar to left and tables for patrons to the right. The room is not highly detailed except for a cross on the wall behind the bar. It is run down, simple and quaint.

Act 1, scene 1.

Lights Rise.

Song Tany Town plays from the darkness

TRAVIS (The town drunkard) is at the bar. Travis, 36, drunk, depressed look, wild crazed eyes, hunched over, sudden bursts of deranged dialogue. He picks up a shooter. Drinks it down. Signals for more.

So you want me to tell you the story of my life? (Pause. Drinks down shooter) Sorry... Don't have time. (Short pause.) All right. Maybe.., maybe what you want to hear is the final straw-how I came to be.., the town drunkard. (Pause. Yelling:) Then listen up! (Aside:) Ya' faggot. (Stands, circling behind the bar-around back as he talks:) There I was, minding my own business, just driving along through the drizzling rain, on a deserted stretch of the 11/17 lane, when I came across.., a hitch-hiking stray? (Mouth's to himself: 'What the fuck?'. Lights a cigarette, sits down behind the bar) Looked like he was running from something.., himself., puberty., the faggot in Keskus mall, who had an itchy willy. Wanted to help him., save his rectum from being poked and prodded. (Pause. Puts out cigerette on cross)  There I was-


-Next to me.., a stranger... So I did what came naturally. (Grabbing a wine bottle off the counter.

Lights fade.

Act 1, scene 2.

Lights rise to reveal TRAVIS, wine bottle in hand, behind the wheel of his Pontiac wide track Grand Prix with a passenger named Darrel next to him.

DARREL, late 20's, clean cut, casual dresser, your run of the mill 'rich' kid.

TRAVIS (Taking a swig from the wine)
Thats the good shit! (Pulling the cork out with his teeth- spitting it out on the dashboard-) Yeah! (Giggling giddily- STOPS. Looks at the bottle:) SHIT! JESUS- This ain't a fuckin' bar- It's a cat walk! (Pause. Shoving the bottle between the seat. Red light rises on TRAVIS) Yeah., that was me.., mister 'HOT STUFF'. Sure I was crazy, loony, fucked up- but shit! I was havin' fun! I may have seemed irasible. I wasn't a drunk though...

"You, ah.., you want a drink?"

"My wife tells me I shouldn't drink." (Aside:) If she were here, I would listen...

"Just a shooter- They don't count as real drinks- (Holding two shot glasses to his eyes) Look how small they are! (TRAVIS is staring like: 'What the hell is wrong with you.' Lowers them slowly) I'll shut up now." (Sitting back in his seat)

"No,that's okay." I'm enjoying your FUCKING ANTICS! (Aside:) Well, I didn't really say that, what I really said was: "Do up your fuckin' seat belt!" (Car screeches) "Sorry. (Making the sign of the cross. To himsel:) Father, son.., holy ghost. (To DARREL:) "Say's I shouldn't swear either. (Pause. Thinking happy thoughts) I LOVE Jenny!"

"I love jenny, too." (TRAVIS is confused) Jenny.., get it? A female donkey? An ass- get it? It's a pun!"

"Yeah, he, he! I get it!"

"She's the only one I protect- My own ass!" (TRAVIS breaks into wild laughter, slamming his foot on the floor, slaps his knee-Laughter stops)

TRAVIS (Aside:)
I didn't know why the laughter stopped. It was like we were walking on eggshells., maybe razor blades? There was something in the air, seemed a little unkind. (Pause. Looking over to DARREL, leaning into his ear:) Are you a fuckin' squirl? (Aside:) Did I say that out loud? Or did I just think it? (DARREL, nervous. Turns on radio. 'Wreak on the highway' comes on:

'I was driving along through the drizzlin' rain
or a deserted stretch of the county 2 lane
when I came across a wreck on the highway'-

('CLICK!' TRAVIS switches off radio. Dozzes' off at the wheel. Loud snoring. TRAVIS begins to dream...

Oh, Jenny! Your sweet cherry tits!


JENNIFER is standing at a microphone.

'An ambulance finally came and took him to Riverside
I watched as they drove him away
And I thought of a girlfriend or a young wife
And a state tropper knocking in the middle of the night
To say your baby died in a wreck on the highway'-

Travis! Get the fuck up! (Wakes quickly)

Who the fuck was that? Sweet mother of Jesus! Keep your panties on (taking a pair of panties out of his lap- throwing them behind him) Was that me? Did I really fall asleep at the wheel? And whos soiled panties were those?

"Ah! (Pause.) I had a girl once, I loved her to. I use to enjoy when we'd go out dancing- dress flying in the air, holding her tight in my arms. (Pause.) Spent so much time together- I sometimes felt that we needed a little time of our own. So I would go out to the Sleeping Giant- You know, down by Pass Lake? Anyway, I would hike out to the chimney, climb up, and look out across Lake Superior. Beautiful! It was an escape-" (TRAVIS coughs- loud, dry hacking. Pause. TRAVIS swerves- screeching is heard)

"What was that?"


DARREL (Looking back over his seat)

"Yeah." (Pause. Aside:) Blind fucker! Yond Darrel has a lean and horny look, he jerks off too much! Such wankers are hard of sight.., (Looking down at DARREL's lap) and in other places. (Pause.) "I  have driven this stretch a hundred times. Always changes. I remember one time, it was five in the morning., wife sleeping next to me. Sun was just coming up... Not a car in sight for hours. Passed 'The Sault' at around three or four., nuthin' but trees and these ponds.., (Pause.) And they had a mist rising off them- it was sureal. (Pause.) As I looked at my wife, her long, brown, beautiful hair, flowing from her head like a patch of lilie's., her light breathing.., smile- curled under that seatbelt... (Pause.) This same stretch.., right now it's cold, dark and raining. (Pause.) But I can't wait to see her.., roads will be sunny, once again. I dropped her at the airport- Had to work. She thinks that I am working right now., doesn't know I'm coming down."

"I saw a woman like that at the airport.., long brown hair- Just past her shoulder blades... Said she's 'HAPPILY married'- (TRAVIS looks over, curiously) slap across my face"-

TRAVIS (Swerves to avoid an accident. Both scared shitless)
"Damn crazy monkey! (Aside:) Fuckin' sweaty bastard... Did he touch me where it felt funny? Did I like it? Had I fallen asleep at the wheel again? Or was I just craving somethin' bad?! (Picking up a needle, looking at it. Exchanges a puzzled look with the audience. Drops it beside him casually)

DARREL (Looking back)
Another one."


"Really rainin', huh?"

"Yeah." (Aside:) Look out the window your self, ya' fuckin' squirrel! It's pissin' fuckin' snakes, frog, and love in vain! (Pause. TRAVIS is Freaked out, gripping the wheel) I had to regain my self control- I was a freak., he knew it. (TO DARREL:) "The last time I saw this was in a blizzard that hit- Just before Christmas one year. (Pause.) Driving with my winter tires, car after car, in the ditch. My wide track Grand Prix held to the road. But as headlights approached, you would see em' disappear. When you passed, there would be another pair of tail-lights, in the ditch."

"Whoa. (Pause.) Fuckin' brutal." (TRAVIS switches on the radio:

'Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue'-

(Switches off)

TRAVIS (Aside:)
What the fuck was that?-

"...When I was on the mountain.., I never wanted it to end. My dream was to be up there with the girl that I loved, because as I looked at that beautiful view, all I could think of was having her back in my arms. (Singing:)

Back in my arms
Back in my arms again...

She came to me with love and kindness
But all my life I've been a prisoner of my own blindness..

(Trails off)

...Where was she when I got back... fuckin' slut. Our love was as empty as this howling wind. (Pause.) Then that girl- whore in the airport. Don't want to have a drink? Huh, you stuck up bitch! Huh, Jennifer? (TRAVIS turns the wheel violently) "Wow., (Looking back again) Another one." (Transfixed)

TRAVIS (Pondering what DARREL meant. Aside:)
What the fuck was this man saying? Was he ripped? Did he loose his goddamn mind? (DARREL stares out of the window)

DARREL (Becoming more sulky and blunt)
"It's fuckin' miserable out there. (Pause.) I miss having my girl to drive with... bitch." (DARREL is till staring out the window into the black night. TRAVIS tries to change the subject)

"When I was single, it was so awesome to get up on that stage, walk out in Valentino, CK, Armani, Abode- Lights full of girls and cameras and media- and after the show, someone would say 'Hey! That's yours!' A new woredrobe, sometimes worth more then they'd pay you. But I would give it all away to be with my wife.

But where are the things you really need, huh? They are all taken away or lost- crushed untill they die in the dirt, as they never grow. You can't live for ever- Nothing lasts forever- Not happiness. What they give you., in the end it means nothing anyway.

Wait... You saw her? (Taking his eyes off the road. Aside:) Was I imagining it or FUCKIN' LORDY! Did this rediculas rotbag do something to my wife? Did this liecentious nonce Rape her? (Pause. Looks at him) Beat her? (Pause.) Kill her? (Looks at him and keeps looking) But these quetions.. I could not ask., oh no- I was FUCKIN' PEAKIN'! SWEET JESUS!!

You are the husband, eh? (Pause.) All that beauty to one man? Wasn't fucking fair! So if I couldn't have her- No one could! I've been turned down, twisted up, lied to by wonton eyes as thou I were a worthless piece of fucking shit! Girls like that-


(DARREL throws his finger forward, pointing out the windshield. TRAVIS slams on the breaks- A screech- vehicle swerves. Lights out. Sound of loud crash.

TRAVIS (From the darkness)
Get your hands outta' there!.. Fucker. This ain't a goddamn circus!

Act 1, scene 3.

Lights rise. Tavern. TRAVIS is slunched over at the bar. All the patrons except one, have left. He is watching intently with concern.

They found Jenny's naked body in the McIntyre river, by Intercity... Fuckin' shithole! (Pause.) Gave a ride to my wife's killer I did..,  helping him to flee! Sick fucker! (Pause.) After the crash, I came to- gonna rips his dirty pecker off! But he was gone. I let the fucker get away. Now, here we are., and I'm the towns fool, just waitin' for that fuckin' squerrel to pass my way. (JIM gets up and walks over to TRAVIS. TRAVIS looks at him) Sweet Jesus!

That's a fuckin' sad story man. Please allow me to introduce myself. (Extending his hand) Jeremy. But my friends call me Jim. (TRAVIS just stares at him. Doesn't shake his hand)

I'm a fuck wit.

Nice to meet you Fuck Dick. Is that like Moby?

But they call me Travis.

Oh! (Embarrased) Sorry, Travis. (Pause.) You know, (Standing next to TRAVIS) I've gone through alot of harlots in my day., yup. (Jim nodds his head)

No you haven't!

I know what it's like to loose a girl.

You don't know shit!

All right! I haven't a clue. But it must be tough.. Come on! I lost my best friend a few years back. (Pause.) Hey., let me buy you a drink. (TRAVIS shakes his hand)

Buddy.., if you're lookin' for a sad song... (Smiles) I ain't gonna play it. (JIM smiles back. He then signals the bar tender for two more drinks.

JIM is seen making hand jesters, friendly, arm around TRAVIS, talking as the song 'Back In Your Arms' plays.



Bruce Springsteen: Back in your arms

In my dream our love was lost, I lived by luck
    and fate
I carried you inside of me, prayed it wouldn't be
    too late
Now I'm standin' on this empty road where
    nothin' moves but the wind
And honey I just wanna be back in your arms
Back in your arms again

Once I was your tresure and I saw your face in
    every star
But these promises we amke at night, oh that's
    all they are
Unless we fill them with faith and love they're
    empty as this howlin' wind
And honey I just wanna be back in your arms
Back in your arms again

You came to me with love and kindness
But all my life I've been a prisoner of my own
I met you with indifference and I don't know why
Now I wake from my dream, I wake from my
    dream to this world
Where all is shadow and darkness and above me
    a dark sky unfurls
And all the love I've thrown away and lost I'm
    longin' for again
Now darlin' I just wanna be back in your arms
Back in your arms again


Steve Earle: Taney Town

I went down to Taney Town
I went down to Taney Town
To see what I could see

Mama told me never go
But I'm almost twenty-two years old
Sometimes I feel this hollar swallow me
She went off to Gettysburg
Went off with that new Beau of hers
I snuck off after dark
Long way down the county road
Stars were bright the moon was low
Down to where the blacktop highway starts

I went down to Taney Town
I went down to Taney Town
I went down to see what I could see

Everybody stared at me
You'd think that they ain't ever seen a colored boy before
They chunked at me called me names
They'd have whipped me sure but the Sheriff came
I slipped off through the dry goods store
I ran down Division Street some of them boys followed me
Down to the railroad track
Four of them and I can't fight
But I had my old Randall
I cut that boy and never did look back

I went down to Taney Town
I went down to Taney Town
I went down to see what I could see

Cross the woods and fields I run
Like a bullet from a rabbit gun
Back home to my bed
Ma came in from Gettysburg
Her and that new Beau of hers
"Boy you look like hell" was all she said
A month went by without a word
Somebody down the hollar heard about that boy they hung
He begged those men to spare his life
But I dropped my bloody Randall knife
He picked it up so they thought he was the one

I went down to Taney Town
I went down to Taney Town
I ain't goin' back there anymore


Bruce Springsteen: Wreck on the Highway

Last night I was out driving
Coming home at the end of the working day
I was riding along thoruhg the drizzling rain
On a deserted stretch of the county two-lane
When I came across a wreck on the highway

There was blood and glass all over
And there was nobody there but me
As the rain tumbled down hard and cold
I seen a young man lying by the side of the road
He cried Mister, wont you help me please

An ambulence finally came and took him to Riverside
I watched as they drove him away
And I thought of a girlfriend or a young wife
And a state tropper knocking in the middle of the night
To say your baby died in a wreck on the highway

Sometimes I sit up in the darkness
And I watch my baby as she sleeps
Then I climb in bed and I hold her tight
I just lay there awake in the middle of the night
Thinkin' bout the wreck on the highway

"Interview With the Town Drunkard" was preformed at lunch time for an audience of students at my school. There were about fifty people or more., then it was preformed again in a line up of plays for the evening show, June 2nd, 1999, 7:00pm for parents, students and any one who could make it. My play had the most graphic content of all the plays put together, as you will read.., and yes, it was preformed in my school for my school. The Principle did not seem to like it, and one of the Vice- Principles: Mr. Nita, looked at me with an angry stare and shook his head.

You had to be there! But it was all video taped., so you might get to see it one day.

Any way., here it is:
Dylan & Jeff loved preforming 'The Town Drunkard'. Dylan would reherse his lines in English class- He even added some of the stuff. Lisa is a wonderful singer... She sang the verse from Wreck on the highway perfectly! It was great.
As you may have noticed., the DARREL character is kind of like me.., and that is what a few members of my class noticed. But heck, am I really a sociopath? Don't answer that.
?�2002 ST�NER R�Y Films, Inc. reserves the right to use any material, ie. name(s), nick name(s), e-mail address('), location(s), and/or personal quote(s) and other information, et cetera, posted on any ST�NER R�Y site(s) and/or guest books(s). In addition, ST�NER R�Y Films Inc. will not assume any responsibility for defamation of character and/or loss of productivity or sales relating to any ST�NER R�Y articles, et cetera.
?�2002 ST�NER R�Y Films, Inc. for Canada and the world outside of Canada. All Rights Reserved.

To: Ms. Kivilaht
From: Mike Houston (aka. Latt� Man)
An insane rhapsody designed to inspire ludidity and (perhaps) mass insanity!
The Characters them


The students who played

Dylan Tylor
Jeff Busbridge
Nick Mann
Lisa [Cudro]?
Kailin Wright

John Steward
Kailin Wright
Henry Tran
Tommy Mafti
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