Bethel Chapel Cemetery
Osterdock, IA
      Younger Brother to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and Patriarch to the Church.
        He was at one time allowed to feel and lift the pages of the golden plates of The Book of Mormon through the pillow case Joseph kept them in.
         He also accompanied Zion's Camp and praciticed plural marriage. Attended the Kirtland Temple dedication and School of the Prophets. However, he was called to repent more than once for his rebellios spirit, he had many arguments and one fight with his brother Joseph.
         Failure to fulfill his callings and persistant rebellion he was eventually disfellowshipped.
         He was later restored to the Church, and after Patriarch Hyrum Smith's death was called upon and set apart as Presiding Patriarch by Brigham Young where he issued several Patriarchal Blessings in Nauvoo. But soon he fell into apostacy and was excommunicated from the Church, many still do not consider listing him as Church Patriarch because of the short time he served before he fell away.
         He was one of several who sought the Presidency of the Church after the Prophet's death, even though it was known that he associated with apostate groups. He claimed that it was his right because James (the half-brother of Christ) is referred to as "spokesman of the Twelve" after the death of Christ, interpretting "spokesman" to be "President of the Twelve."
         He eventually followed the Strangites and the Reorganites, acting as their Patriarch. He died the last living sibling of the Prophet.
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