Dr. Swindoll's Reply
"Dear Wilma: 

What an honor and a compliment you paid me with your July 2 letter, describing how the Lord has been working in your life.  I'm delighted and humbled to know that this ministry has been a source of spiritual nourishment to you.  Truly, if I have written anything to help you grow in the Lord, then I give Him all the praise.  He knows exactly how to reach you, and I am excited that He's used me in His plan.

As for your purpose in Latvia?  I believe that it is being revealed every day!  From the comments in your letter, it is obvious that the Lord is giving you a deeper faith and a heightened sensitivity to His leading.  Now that's what I call a purpose!
Thank you for caring enough to tell me your story, Wilma!  Your friendliness has uplifted me today. It is my prayer that Insight for Living will always be effective and beneficial to your life...for our Father's glory!


Charles R. Swindoll"
August 10, 2001
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