March, 2000: Alpine Journey

The Alps taken on a train from Innsbruck to Heidelberg

Eighteen of us set off on March 21, 2000 for Germany and Austria. We arrived in Frankfurt on March 22 and went on to medieval Rothenburg for our first day of touring. On Thursday, March 23 we proceded to Munich via the Romantic Road. We paid a somber visit to Dachau on that day. We had a good time in Munich, with a special visit to the Hofbrauhaus on Thurday evening. Then on to Vienna, with a stop along the way at the Melk Monastery. On Monday, March 27 we visited Salzburg singing tunes from "The Sound of Music" on the Bus. That night we arrived in Innsbruck. It was here that tragedy struck, when one of our group had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. On Tuesday morning, March 28 the group went on to Heidelberg while Joe Laufer remained behind with our ailing group member, who, unfortunately, passed away later that morning. Undaunted, the group spent a final day in Heidelberg, where Joe Laufer rejoined them and the tour closed with a farewell dinner and awards ceremony on Wednesday, March 29. We returned home on March 30. Despite the tragedy, the tour was very enjoyable and memorable.

Here I am in front of the Seegrotte, an underground mine once used by Nazis to built weapons and planes.

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