Ireland Newsletter #4

Newsletter #4 - June 20, 1998 ....................43 days and counting!

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Pre-trip Meeting - Saturday, June 27

This is a reminder that our first of two pre-trip meetings will be held this coming Saturday, June 27, at 10:15 a.m. at the Burlington County College Library in Pemberton. Please note the time of the meeting -- it is 15 minutes later than originally scheduled, since the library doesn't open until 10:00 a.m. I'll need the 15 minutes to set up. The room number will be posted in the foyer. For those unfamiliar with the Pemberton Campus, the Library or Learning Resources Center is the building closest to the corner of the Pemberton Bypass and County Route 530. It is distinguished by its white silo-like rotunda. The meeting will last until noon. We will deal primarily with our itinerary and hopefully answer any questions you may have. Please be aware that this meeting is purely OPTIONAL.

Currency Exchange

As has been our custom, as a service to our participants, we will make a currency run to First Union Bank in Philadelphia. While the best exchange rate is at a bank in Ireland, in order that you might have some Irish currency for at least your first day, we recommend taking about $50 worth of foreign currency with you. You can deal with your own local bank if you wish. However, if you want me to do it for you, please be prepared at Saturday's meeting with cash or a check (made out to "Joe Laufer"). Minimum amount per person is $50.00; maximum is $100.00 - and only in those amounts (nothing in between). I will then deliver the Irish currency to you at the second pre-trip meeting on August 1.

Room Assignments and Passport Numbers

Thank you for returning the yellow feedback sheets with your passport numbers and roommate selections. If you failed to provide me with either, there is a note enclosed requesting the same ASAP. If you don't plan on attending the meeting, please send the information to me immediately.

Optional Excursion

Thirteen of you have selected the optional excursion to the Dublin Theater performance and forwarded your payment for the same. Saturday will be your last chance to sign up, if you wish to take this option.

Traveling Companions

Those who have travelled with me before are aware that EF Tours bases its pricing on full-bus tours. An Irish Motor Coach holds 50 people. There are 20 of us in our group. I am happy to report that EF has paired us with a group of 18 Elementary School Teachers (note, I said TEACHERS) from the New York City area, and with a teacher and nine students from Pitman High School. This is similar to the arrangement we had last summer on our tour of Greece.

Hotel and Flight Information

For those new to our tours, EF Tours generally does not provide flight and hotel information until a few days before the tour. Sometimes we are lucky to get that information earlier. As soon as that information becomes available, I will post it on my web page and forward it to you by mail. I will attempt to have some of the information at Saturday's meeting.

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