No world traveler should neglect to keep a journal of his or her travels. Years from now you will relish re-living the adventure and conjuring up the memories.

There are several ways to keep a journal. One is the old fashioned way: writing daily entries into a little book you carry with you throughout the trip. Another way is to visit Internet Cafe's along the way and send e-mails to a selected group of friends (using a special "buddy" list in your address book). When you return home, you can go to your "sent" folder and cut and paste all of your emails, edit them, and have a ready-made journal. Check here for the one I did for Thailand: Joe's Thailand Journal. The one I did from England, Joe's British Landscapes Journal, and the recent one from Ireland, Joe's Shades of Ireland Journal, are other good examples of how its done.

There's even a better way. Subscribe (its free!) to "" and every day while on tour, go to an Internet Cafe and make your journal entry. Give your selected friends your personal EasyJournal address, and they can go there whenever they want to see what you entered into your Journal. They can even leave you a message that you can access in your Journal. Go to Http:// to register. You don't have to be a traveler to use this resource. You can write your novel there or just plain vent for others to see. If you want to check out my personal Easy Journal site, go to Anytime you go to that site, you will find my latest journal entry and you can leave me a message. Using "Easy Journal" places the burden on the interested reader to take the initiative to follow my travels - it isn't on me to send out e-mails to some people who may or may not be interested!


Joe's Luxembourg, Brussels, Amsterdam Journal - August, 2001

Joe's British Landscapes Journal - November, 2002

Joe's Thailand Journal - February, 2003

Joe's French Riviera Journal - November, 2003

Joe's Hawaiian Cruise Journal - November, 2004

Joe's Shades of Ireland Journal - May, 2005

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