Joe Laufer presents $4,000 check from Holy Eucharist's 1997 Lenten Soup Night project to Fr. Bob Thomas in front of St. Jude's Church, Quito, Ecuador

The Mission Churches of St. Jude's Parish

- St. Jude's is located in a rural suburb north of the city of Quito called Jaime Roldos. The parish has four isolated mission churches, one each in Cangahua, Moncayo, Velasco, Uyachul. These small communities are accessible by very trecherous dirt roads, often washed out by torrential rains, but most of the time dusty, rut-filled trails through the hills. Each community has its own church where Mass is celebrated and where Religious Education takes place. In the past several years, donations from Holy Eucharist aided in the replacement of a roof for the parish church at Velasco and the purchase of equipment for the sewing room.

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