In a multi-media event, “Halley’s Comet, 1910: Days of Awe” will present the humor, hysteria and advertising hype that accompanied the appearance of the historic comet nearly 75 years ago.  The show will be performed at the Missouri Historical Society in Jefferson Memorial Building in Forest Park, St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday, September 16 at 2:00 p.m.


          A cast of three will portray historical personages, such as Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain and Anna Held, one of the most famous Ziegfield girls.  Accompanied by a piano and with a backdrop of colorful slides, they will take an entertaining look at the way the world reacted to the comet for two months in 1910.


          Jerred Metz, Ph.D. is author of the work.  “The vaudeville folio tells the story of the comet from different points of view – historical, literary and poetic.  An astronomical event is the revue’s central character,” he stated.


          Metz stated that “on May 18, 1910, when the Earth was to pass through the comet’s tail, the greatest number of people ever to share a single event watched with mingled fear and awe.  And the world did not end, as some had predicted.”  Instead, the comet was celebrated in song and verse, cartoons and advertisements.  Every newspaper and magazine printed at the time ran stories of the people and their activities in response to the comet.


          The slides used in Metz’s presentation depict this human side.  They were photographed from private collections of comet memorabilia – postcards, sheet music covers, cartoons, posters and magazine and newspaper advertising.

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