Number 2 - January 23, 1998 - 55 days...and counting!



We have scheduled two pre-trip meetings:

  • Saturday, February 21 - 10 a.m. till 12 noon - BCC Library, Pemberton - Teleconference Center

  • Saturday, March 14 - 10 a.m. till 12 noon - BCC Library, Pemberton - Room 201.

At the first meeting on February 21 we will discuss the highlights of the trip, based on the itinerary. Having been to Spain on three previous occasions, I will provide you with special insights into our itinerary. I will conduct an optional session from 12 to 1 for any newcomers who have not been on a trip with me before -- this will deal with the specifics of packing light, safety, comfort and health hints, and a question and answer period for new travelers. Seasoned travelers are welcome to stay for that session, but it is not required. I will also collect money for currency exchange at this meeting (see below).

At the second meeting, March 14, we will have the specifics on our hotels and air transportation, and will distribute airline tickets. Since the meeting is scheduled only 5 days before departure, all last minute details will be discussed.

For those who have not been to the Pemberton campus, the Library is the one closest to Pemberton-Browns Mills Road, and is easily identifiable by the white silo-like rotunda tower. The Teleconference Center is just inside the front lobby to the left. Room 201 is on the second floor (for the second meeting).


You are encouraged to bring a token amount of Spanish currency with you for your first day in Spain. We generally recommend between $50 and $100. You can make arrangements with your local bank to get this currency. However, First Union Bank at Broad and Sansome in Philadelphia has a walk-in Foreign Currency counter open daily during regular banking hours. It has been my custom, as a service to our tour participants, to collect money and then do a "currency run" to Philadelphia. I do this only once: collecting money at the February 21 meeting and returning your foreign money at the March 14 meeting. Checks should be made out to me personally: Joseph M. Laufer -- and only in multiples of $50.00 -- not to exceed $200.00. You will get the best rate on the date I go to the bank. I will say more about the exchange rate at our February 21 meeting, including information about credit cards and traveler's checks.


In order to take advantage of the pre-trip booking discount, full payment for the optional excursions must be received at EF Tours 30 days before departure (February 17). Therefore, you should make a decision now and send your money to me (NOT to EF Tours) no later than Tuesday, February 10. All but 9 of you returned your yellow feedback sheets to me indicating your interest. For the benefit of those who haven't decided, here is an overview of the responses I've received:

  • El Escorial and Segovia - 28 signups (12 paid, 16 owe) -------- $65.00
  • Flamenco Evening (Seville) - 17 signups (6 paid, 11 owe) ----- $30.00
  • Lisbon Fado Evening - 14 signups (6 paid, 8 owe) -------------- $35.00

Those who owe, should send their payment immediately. Those who weren't sure should make a decision and send their payment immediately. Checks should be made out to EF Tours, but should be sent to me at the ICQA address: Box 2234, Southampton, NJ 08088.


I have received all but 9 of the yellow feedback sheets. I must have your passport number and expiration dates for a form I am preparing. Also, the reason I inquire about Twin or Double preferences is that even in obvious cases where the individuals are married, sometimes twin beds are preferred in travel situations. If I haven't heard from couples, I have listed "double" on my form -- unless you indicate otherwise, that's how it will be. Return the sheets to J. Laufer @ ICQA, Box 2234, Southampton, NJ 08088.


Several of you have credits on your account with EF. They will refund your money in a timely manner. I work with them in bringing accounts to a zero balance. Those of you who still owe money should settle your accounts IMMEDIATELY -- because no airline tickets will be processed until all accounts are current. It makes my job much more difficult if we go beyond the 30 day cut off with account problems. Thanks for your cooperation.


This newsletter was prepared on my website, then downloaded. Anyone who hasn't visited my website and clicked on to the Spain and Portugal section should do so. I have gotten a new abbreviated address to make it easier. It is simply: (although the older geocities address is still operative).

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