The Coat of Arms of the Village of Weilersbach
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Consisting of the Bishop's Mitre of St. Hilary and the Bible.
St. Hilary is the namesake and Patron of the town and of the Parish Church.
"Weilersbach" literally translated would be "Hilarystown".
The town was founded in the year 764!

The Village of Weilersbach lies between the towns of Villingen and Schwenningen. Click on the road sign below in order to see an air-view picture of the entire village. The Church of St. Hilary is shown at the left of the picture. The Rathaus or City Hall is within a stones throw of the Church. The location of the Laufer homestead, opposite the current 17 Langentalstrasse, is just about in the middle of the picture, just off the very visible main road that disects the town.

Click on sign for entrance to Weilersbach!

Laufer homestead
70 Langentalstrasse
Weilersbach, Germany

(demolished in 1980)

Click here for photo of Langentalstrasse today, at original Laufer homestead site


St. Hilary's Catholic Church
Many Laufers are buried in the cemetery adjacent to the church.
The organ in the original church was donated by David and Ludwig Laufer in 1928
after they gained financial success in the United States.
It was moved to the present church, which replaced the original, in 1955.

Click here to see Church interior and altar

For more information about the Laufer's of Weilersbach, CLICK HERE for the Laufer Heritage page, which includes links to archival pictures of family members and scenes from Weilersbach.

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