May 19, 1997 - June 28, 1997

The Church of the Holy Eucharist in Tabernacle, NJ, our parish, has a relationship with St. Jude's Church in the Jaime Roldos section of Quito, Ecuador. In the late spring of 1997, Kris spent six weeks there working with Father Bob Thomas and the other priests of the parish. In addition to helping out at St. Jude's, he taught English to the kids in the local Catholic School, Vista Hermosa, operated by Italian nuns. Here are a few pictures of Kris in action in Quito.

This is Kris in front of St. Jude's Church

Here's Kris with some of the kids from the neighborhood surrounding St. Jude's

At a senior citizens' outing outside of Quito

Kris with some second graders at Vista Hermosa school

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