Spain & Portugal

Number 4 - February 12, 1998 ------ 35 days....and counting!


Our flight information has been made available and as your tour group leader, I am personally pleased with the arrangements. We will be flying to Europe directly from Philadelphia on Swiss Airlines. Swiss Air uses Zurich, Switzerland as its hub city, so we fly to Zurich on both our incoming and outgoing trips. Here are the details.

Thursday, March 19

  • 4:45 p.m. Depart Philadelphia on Swiss Air Flight # 127
  • 8:00 a.m. Friday, March 20 - Arrive Zurich
  • 12:05 p.m. Depart Zurich on Swiss Air Flight # 692
  • 1:45 p.m. Arrive Lisbon

    Friday, March 27

  • 7:15 a.m. Depart Madrid on Swiss Air Flight # 659
  • 9:20 a.m. Arrive Zurich
  • 10:20 a.m. Depart Zurich on Swiss Air Flight # 126
  • 2:45 p.m. Arrive Philadelphia

    We will distribute tickets at the pre-trip meeting on the Saturday before departure, March 14.


    Saturday, February 21 - 10 a.m. till 12 noon - BCC Library, Pemberton - Teleconference Center.


  • Overview of the Itinerary; tour highlights; information resources.

  • Tips for packing (with emphasis on LIGHT packing), personal health and comfort while on tour.

  • Travel safety

    As previously announced, I will collect money (in multiples of $50.00) for currency exchange. I will get both Portuguese and Spanish currency in a proportionate amount to cover basic needs upon arrival in each country. The foreign currency will be distributed at our next meeting, March 14.


    I have already mailed the payments for the excursions for those who requested them. Anyone still wishing to sign up may do so on tour (with a $5.00 surcharge beyond announced price). If anyone prefers, however, I will take your reservations and payment at the meeting on Saturday, or you may wait and pay our tour director in Europe.


    Three EF tours have been selected for 1999. For information and early bird discounts, contact Joe Laufer.

  • Spring, 1999: March 22-30 - Grand Tour of Italy: Venice, Florence, Assisi, Rome and Sorento (includes Milan, Verona, Bologna and Pompeii, and optional excursion to Capri). Approximate price: $1,550.

  • Summer, 1999: August 4-13 - Central Europe: Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. Includes Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna and Budapest. Approximate price: $1,700.

  • Fall, 1999: November 3-10 - Puerto Rico: Out on the Island - San Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez. Aprroximate price: $1,600.


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