and the "Misfit Mascots of Laundry Products"

The Laundrycar, originaly a 1998 Dodge Ramcharger, has undergone drastic changes in apperance compared to the look it was given the day it got off the assembly line at the good old Chrysler plant in Detroit.  Nothing of the original Ramcharger was removed, every change made was just piled on top of the original car.  Most of the vehicles accessories were collected from the trash receptacles of Laundromats The folks dug in the trash of about 10 different Laundromats for about 6 months, along with gathering other tidbits here and there, until the sufficient supplies were rendered.  Till this day the foks still contunue to dig occasionally finding all sorts of great laundry treasure, and at times the exciting pleasure of being kicked out of Laundromats occures.  The Laundrycar was first introduced completed at a Saint Jack's prade in Houston Texas in 2002.  Since then it has appeard in The Houston Art Car Parade twice, a Beaumont car show, on the ice at a Houston Areo's halftime show, Lawndale forth of July parade, Black Rock City's Burning Man Festival, Minneapolis's 4th of July Art Car Parade, and many other little events.  The Laundrycar is constantly changing, In both apperance and in its meaning.  At the same time of having several different meanings, it means nothing.  To some it is a comical sight and brings on amusement, to others it is confusing, some don't seem to understand why those folks ruined a good truck.  Some think it is a sign of recycling and a couple think of it as seashells!!

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